Gifts of the Holy Spirit

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(1 Corinthians Chapter 12)


(a) Quotation:
It is supernatural in origin, eternal in duration, inexpressible in value, infinite in scope, regenerative in power, infallible in authority, universal in interest, personal in application,
inspired in totality. Read it through, write it down, pray it in, work it out, and then pass it on.”

Ephesians 4: 11 and 12. Ministry of Evangelist to equip saints. The necessity for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. (John 20: 22; Luke 24: 49; Acts: 1: 4-8; Acts: 2: 33)

(b) We need to be born again. (John 3: 16)

2. MEANING OF TRUE REPENTANCE i.e. turning to God with all our hearts away from all sin. Turning from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to the power of
God. (Acts 26: 18-19)


(a) Jesus Christ is described as the Baptiser with the Holy Spirit in each of the four Gospels. (Matthew 3: 11; Mark 1: 8; Luke 3: 16; John 1. 33)

(b) He breathed on ten of His disciples on the night of His resurrection. They received the Holy Spirit. (John 20: 22)

(c) Jesus told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they received the promise of the Father. (Luke 24: 49)

(d) Confirmation of this happening. (Acts 1: 3-4; Acts 1: 8)

(e) Day of Pentecost. (Acts 2: 1-4 -15 languages)
Jesus went to the right hand of God and received the Promise of the Father. (Acts 2: 33)

4. THE ANOINTING OF GOD (1 John 2: 27)

It is imperative that we know the anointing of the Holy Spirit if we are going to move in the gifts. (Exodus 30: 23-30; Leviticus 8: 12; Psalm 133: 2; Psalm 45: 8; 2 Corinthians 1: 21;
1 Peter 2: 9; Revelation 1: 6)

5. WE MUST DISTINGUISH between gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit, ie we shall be judged by the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, not the gifts. (Galatians 5: 22, 23), i.e. love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. (Matthew 7: 7-11; Matthew 7: 15-23)

6. WE MUST FIND OUR PLACE in the Body of Christ and be part of the Body. (Romans 12: 1-4)

7. WE CAN RECEIVE the gifts of the Holy Spirit in various ways, but particularly:

(a) By the laying on of hands. (2 Timothy 1: 6; 1 Timothy 1: 18; 1 Timothy 4: 14)

(b) By the sovereign act of the Holy Spirit,

(c) And believing to receive the gifts.

8. LOVE (1 Corinthians Chapter 13)


(1 Corinthians 12: 1-12; (Proverbs 23: 12)


This is an impression on our mind or a vision or the direct audible voice of the Holy Spirit or a thought about HOW to deal with the situation.

(i) King Solomon (1 Kings 3: 16-28)

(ii) Casting the first stone (John 8: 7; James 1: 5-7)

Hearing God’s voice.

(i) Our hearts must be clean. “If I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear.” (Psalm 66: 18)

(ii) Forget our own desires and thoughts. Not my will but Your will Lord. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. (Isaiah 55: 8)

(iii) Bind the enemy who would seek to interfere with our thinking. “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4: 7)

(iv) My sheep hear My voice. (John 10: 27; 1 Corinthians 1: 24; 1 Corinthians 1: 30; Proverbs 1: 20-30; Prov. 8: 12-31)


This is an impression, thought, or the audible voice of the Holy Spirit ABOUT a situation. Can be a vision.

(Proverbs 23: 12; John 8: 47; John 16: 13)

The woman at the well. (John 4: 16-19)

(Hebrews 4: 12; Hebrews 5: 14)


(i) Romans 10: 17 -faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

(ii) As we implicitly believe the Word of God and trust it absolutely, God is able to implant this gift in our hearts. (Mark 11: 23; 2 Corinthians 4: 18; Jeremiah 23: 29; Matthew
28: 18; Matthew 28: 19& 20)


(i) (Mark 16: 18)

(ii) We must act in love when we pray for healing.

(iii) We must centre our thoughts totally on Jesus Christ at the right hand of the throne of God.

(iv) We must allow no unbelief.

(v) A person must be counselled in the area of repentance.

(vi) Without such repentance the Holy Spirit is quenched and healing will be blocked.

(vii) There must be repentance in the area of unforgiveness, occult and relationships.

(viii) Self acceptance. (1 Peter 2: 24; Isaiah 53: 4& 5; James 5: 14)


(i) Instantaneous healing. (John 4: 47-54)

(ii) When we know the anointing of the Holy Spirit we sense the power of God flowing through a person and we can sense instantaneous healing.

(iii) (John 14: 12; 1 John 5: 14)

(iv) Testimony -twisted womb. Boy in wheelchair.


(i) This is a thought, impression, or vision or the audible voice of God to a believer to enable him to bring a word from God to the church.

(ii) The words are for edification, exhortation and comfort. (1 Corinthians 14: 3)

(iii) All should prophesy. (1 Corinthians 14: 31)

(iv) It is important to make a start even with a few words from their own mind or from Scripture.

(v) As we act in faith, God will begin to bring words to our mind and heart.

(1 Corinthians 14: 29; 1 Corinthians 14: 32)

(vi) Exercise of self control -don’t interrupt.

(vii) Prophecy is often for ourselves.


This is a thought, vision or impression or the audible voice from the Holy Spirit given by God which makes us realise that spiritual forces can be affecting a person or even
The gift of discerning of spirits is for the Body of Christ.


(i) We should wait for the anointing.

(ii) We should be bold to speak out in our tongue, believing God will bless it.

(iii) As we make a start and believe the Holy Spirit is directing us, we will find that indeed God has called us to speak out.

(iv) We must make a start. (1 Corinthians 14: 5;
1 Corinthians 14: 27, 28; 1 Corinthians 14: 39)

(v) Encouraging person to sing in spirit.


(i) This is a thought, impression, vision or the audible voice of God whereby an interpretation (not a translation) of a tongue message is given.

(ii) There should be a maximum of three tongues messages in a meeting together with the interpretation.

(iii) Again, we need to make a start in faith that God will give us the ability.
(1 Corinthians 14: 27; 1 Corinthians 14: 28)


(a) Divide the gathering into groups of no more than say 6 persons in each group.

(b) Appoint a leader in each group.

(c) Appoint 7 or 8 people who have some knowledge of the gifts to be available to be encouragers.

(d) Ask each person in each group to say something about God, eg God is good, God is here, God loves me. This is to encourage people to say something aloud to other people
about God.

Step 1: Prophecy

The leader should lead the meeting in a general prayer, asking the Lord to grant His gifts and, in particular, the gift of prophecy.

The Scripture says that we may all prophesy one by one
(1 Corinthians 14: 31). This means to give words from the Lord which are encouraging, edifying or exhorting. We get these by thought or impression or vision or audible voice.

We therefore at this point encourage each person how to say something further about God, but speaking in the first person, eg “I love you My people and I am with you at this
time.” In other words, let the person say something that they have made up for the first part of the sentence but let the Holy Spirit complete the sentence by giving them thoughts
or impressions to speak out.
After this is practised for say 10 or 15 minutes, we should move onto the next gift.

Step 2: Gift of Tongues and Interpretation

The leader in each group should pray for a few minutes, asking the Lord to grant His gifts of tongues and interpretation severally as He wills.

After that, in each group we should ask a few people to speak in their tongue and either the same person or another person speak out what they believe is the interpretation. We
should bear in mind that the interpretation is normally a word of encouragement, like a prophecy as above.

We should emphasise that we are only practising and therefore people should feel at ease.
Step 3: Word of Knowledge

Again, before moving into this step, the leader of each group should pray briefly, asking the Lord in His wisdom to grant words of knowledge and words of wisdom. The next
step is to encourage people into the word of knowledge and word of wisdom. We should ask people in each group to allow the Holy Spirit to give them a thought or impression
concerning somebody else in the group. They should not name the particular person but have some thought about them, eg somebody is worried about some situation or has some
particular illness or has some problem in their lives. The person to whom the word of knowledge applies should immediately say that it is them. Nobody should be prayed for
at this stage. (Allow 10 minutes)

Word of Wisdom

Two or three members in each group should be asked to bring forth a situation affecting their lives and others should wait on a brief word from the Lord of wisdom as to how that
situation should be dealt with. There should be no prayer at this stage. (Allow 10 minutes)

Discernment of spirits

People in the group should allow a thought or impression that somebody else in the group may be subject to a spirit of fear or lust or some other thing which is driving, compelling
or tormenting them. The person concerned should speak out and say it is them, but there should be no prayer at this stage. (Allow 10 minutes)


It is the function of the 8 or 9 leaders to move around the groups and encourage each group to keep on moving in the gifts. In other words, if there is silence, they should
encourage somebody in the group to speak out either in prophecy, tongues, interpretation or in the other gifts of the Spirit.

Step 4: Healing

Those who have been discerned as requiring prayer for healing in the group should now stand up and the other members should stand and wait with them for the anointing of God
and then lay hands upon them.
If any demonic powers manifest then they should be cast out at that point.


(a) After inviting the group out, you should ask for the anointing to fall upon them before you taken any further steps.

(b) To demonstrate how people can come into the gifts, ask four or five people to come to the front who have never practised the gifts. There should be at least several women
among them.

(c) You could ask them one by one to say some words that they believe the Lord has given them to encourage the gathering. This leads them into prophecy.

(d) Then ask one of them to speak in tongues and suggest that another gives what they believe is the interpretation of that. In this way faith increases in the meeting.

(e) After doing this several times, bring a fresh group out to do the next lot of gifts.

(f) Encourage several in turn to reach out for words of knowledge concerning people in the gathering.

(g) Suggest then that the person who has the word of knowledge asks the Lord for discernment as to whether the person needs to repent in some part of their life, eg for
unforgiveness or whether there is some spirit attacking them. This shows the exercise of the gift of discernment.

(h) Suggest then that the person who has responded to the word of knowledge for healing comes up to the platform.

(i) Then ask one or more members of the panel how they believe the person should be prayed for, ie where the person should place their own hands and how the person should
be actually prayed for. This, of course, is the word of wisdom.

(j) Ask one or two of the group to lay hands on the person concerned, exercising faith for healing. This demonstrates the gift of faith and the gift of healing. If there is an
immediate healing, then of course this establishes the gift of miracles.

(k) Then suggest that all the people present be prayed for by one another to receive such gifts of the Holy Spirit as the Lord would grant. Suggest they tell each other what gifts
they believe God has given the other person.
Both or either of the above methods can be used.


(a) The nine gifts of the Spirit should be read out slowly so that each member can be thinking of the gifts which the Holy Spirit may be imparting to another person.

(b) Everybody should be encouraged to stand in pairs, men with men and women with women. They should lay hands on each other and say a prayer similar to this:
“Dear heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name I ask You to impart to my brother (or sister) such gifts of Your Spirit as You would, to the end that they be established.”

(c) Finally each person should tell the other person the gifts of the Spirit which he or she believes God has given the other person. Then they should pray finally together and the
meeting should conclude.

Compiled by Bill Subritzky and produced by:

These notes can be used to accompany the four-hour
teaching series, “Receiving the Gifts of the Holy Spirit”,
available on VHS video or audio cassettes.

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