Get with God and Receive Faith for the Miraculous

miracle photo“Get with God” – A faith-building message by Pastor Paul Stead (transcribed).

We’ll begin with Acts 10:38. It is the apostle Peter talking about Jesus. “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him.” In the Amplified: “How God anointed and consecrated Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and strength and ability and power, how he went about doing good, and in particular, curing all that were harassed and oppressed by the power of the devil for God was with Him.” For God was with Him. For God was with Him. Now how could He do it? Because God was with Him. What do we need? God with us! We need God with us. We need Him with us.

I’m going to read these Scriptures through so that you grasp them. So Jesus was able to do what He did because God was with Him. As a result of being with God, He was consecrated, He was set apart and He was empowered. Right? So He could achieve the release of people who were bound and harassed by torments and tormenting demons, tormenting illnesses and all of these things. So He was able to free them. Now suddenly – get this right, right from the word go. Let’s go back to John 14:12. “I assure you most solemnly, I tell you: if anyone steadfastly believes in Me, he will himself be able to do the things that I do, and he will do even greater things than these because I go to my Father.”

So that’s Jesus talking there in John 14:12 and when we’re listening to how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth in Acts 10:38, “How God anointed and consecrated Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with strength and ability and power; how He went about doing good and in particular curing all who were harassed and oppressed by the power of the devil, for God was with Him”. So before we start thinking, “Yeah, but that was Jesus and I can’t do that” then Jesus tells us point blank, “If you believe you can do exactly what I have done.” 

So don’t fall for that trap that Jesus was the Son of God and that’s how He did what He did. Jesus left behind all of His glory, all of His God capacity and came to earth as a man and He walked in the same authority that man has through faith in God’s Word, and that’s how He was operating. And that’s why He said, “What I did, you can do”. John 14:12, “I assure you most solemnly, I tell you: If anyone steadfastly believes in Me, he will himself be able to do the things that I do, and he will do even greater things than these because I go to the Father. And I myself will grant whatever you may ask in My name, representing all that I am, so that the Father may be glorified and extolled through the Son. Yes, I will grant, will do for you, whatever you shall ask in My Name, representing all that I am.

That’s awesome isn’t it? When you start thinking about how much is available to us as the child of God, and the power that’s involved. Absolutely amazing! You see in Acts 3 verse 16, Peter and John at the Gate Beautiful met that cripple and Peter said, “Silver and gold have I not, but such as I have, give I unto thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk!” And he yanked him up, and the guy’s ankles were strengthened and he ended up leaping and praising God and then they queried the disciples and in verse 16 he says, “And His name – this is how we did it – and His name, through faith in His name hath made this man strong, whom you see an know. Yes, the faith which is by Him has given Him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.” 

So, we’ve all got the right to use the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth as a believer. Right? And in that name, we can do everything that Jesus did. OK? So with your loved ones that are oppressed, harassed, we can in the name of Jesus release them from that, and release a healing that peace, assurance and acceptance in the Beloved brings. We’re not estranged from the power of God in any way or shape. OK!

“With God, nothing is impossible.” Luke 1:37. It says, “With God, nothing shall be impossible.” Let’s say it together! “For with God, nothing shall be impossible!” Say it again! “For with God, nothing shall be impossible”. OK, so there’s our choice. Am I going to try to do and handle things by myself or I am going to get as a priority into the presence of God? And I’m thinking, “I don’t know how to handle the challenges in front of me. I don’t know how to go forward.” God does. This is what we need to settle once and for all in our hearts. Regardless of what comes up against me, whether its emotional, whether its financial, whether its governmental. You know, if its the Tax Department, the Lands Department, the Water Department. Any of these government departments now have got so much authority, and they can create all sorts of havoc in your life. The thing is that with God nothing is impossible. So regardless of what it is, if its an infirmity, a sickness, or a disease – if its you’ve had something happen and you go to get a doctor’s report and they say “Ah, its bad news – this is something where you’ve only got six months to live.” With God nothing’s impossible. So rather than agreeing with the doctor you agree with God.

See if you start saying what the doctor’s saying, you’re agreeing with the doctor, but that’s in opposition to what God says. “All things are possible with God”. “By His stripes I’m healed!” That’s what I should be agreeing with. OK, so I know what its like to get a 6 month edict. “You’re going to die. Nothing more we can do for you. Six months to live”. Brilliant! God supernaturally intervened in me. With God nothing is impossible. Say it again. “With God nothing is impossible”. Again. “With God nothing is impossible”. 

You know, we have the apostle Paul brought to light “three men”. There’s the natural man, the man who is not born again, who doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ. Never been regenerated. So his spirit is still dead to God. OK? So its the natural man. Then there’s the carnal man – the person who has given his heart to Jesus Christ in his spirit and has been born again but they continue live the world’s way – so they say, “That is impossible! We can’t do this!” See they are carnal. They have not renewed their mind to what God has said. They haven’t been fully developed in their soul and they’re still going according to their emotions and their old way. And then there’s the third – the spiritual man. The person or spirit woman. The person who hears the Word of God and obeys it, walking in the power and authority of Jesus Christ. In soundness of mind, in the peace of God, in well-being – supernatural health, divine health – and all their needs are met. So there’s no more fear of finance. Finance is a lousy god. Lousy god. Jesus Christ is Lord over finance. When we’ve given our hearts and we’re right with Him, finance is no longer an issue. So with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. 

I remember hen I was recovering from that infirmity I wondered what would God know about work? I need a Job. And I found 42 chapters of Job – that shut my mouth! I didn’t know it was pronounced “Jobe”. And I got to chapter 38 and he really ripped into Job and sorts him out. So he had wrong thinking and when I have a problem, and I can’t see the possibilities of a breakthrough or a way out, its because I’m not thinking God’s way – I’m thinking my own way. I need to think God’s way. When I’m thinking God’s way I see the way out – straight away – I see it! He opens it up. And you know its amazing. As I see it I also get the empowerment to do it. Its an amazing thing – what happens when you get with God.

This is the first 15 minutes of a 90 minute message by Ps Paul Stead which can be found here.

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