Get Serious with God

Knowing God is an amazing thing. I’d like to help you to know Him.

If God has touched your heart through this site and you would like to get serious with God, it could be the beginning of something wonderful. I urge to consider deeply the fact that there is a God. He has revealed Himself in so many ways. His Holy Spirit calls you today. God is awesome, holy, and powerful – yet He loves you deeply. The stories on this site are part of a witness to you that God is real. If you are not really convinced, I urge you to read more from this site first, and maybe even write and ask questions. God has given abundant evidence to those who want to do what is right.

There are only two spiritual Kingdoms – the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the devil. The Kingdom of God is the place where Jesus is King. In God’s Kingdom there is peace, there is love, there is hope for the future. There is joy, healing, mercy, justice and living faith. In Satan’s kingdom is pride, lust, disappointment, anger, hatred, bitterness, mockery, anguish, torment and strife. Anyone who is living for themselves is pleasing the devil because the devil stands for independence from God and a rejection of God’s authority to rule. Our separation from God costs us more than we could possibly imagine, and part of the tragedy is that people don’t see it, they are so deceived by a different spirit.

Do you believe that Jesus died to pay for the guilt of your sins? If you could have saved yourself by being good enough, or better than others, Jesus would never have died. But Jesus both died and rose from the grave three days later. This historical event shattered the power of the devil and has given mankind a chance to come back to God. All this was at God’s expense. We deserved for God to walk away from us and never turn his face towards us again. But God is not like that. He loves us. He loves you.

To be saved there has to come a time in your life when you respond to God’s love. There has to be a time when you recognise Him for who He is. Jesus Christ is Lord and Master, one with God the Father. Because of who He is, you must bow the knee, and surrender your own life, ambitions and dreams to Him. God has got a plan for your life. It is better than you could possibly imagine.

Perhaps you have tried in the past to follow Jesus and have failed. Perhaps you never learned to live the Christian life through God’s power, not your own. Whatever the reason for your failure, God has promised that if you come to Him in humility and faith, He’ll be with you and strengthen you. He means business with you, when you mean business with Him. He will forgive all your sins, and restore you, giving you the power to walk by the Spirit and not according to the desires of the sinful nature. All this is possible because of the sacrifice He made for you on the cross, and the resurrection of Christ from the dead.

God is calling. You may sense a struggle in your soul. The Holy Spirit is at work in your life. Do not wait for a more convenient time. You can only come when the Spirit of God draws you. Do you sense Him speaking to your heart? Do not grieve His Spirit away. This could be the greatest moment of your life.

Would you be willing to truly give your life to Jesus Christ? He gave His life for you. He is the One through whom everything in this universe holds together. He is the Wisdom of God. God knows what He is doing. His sacrifice shows us that He loves us more than we love ourselves. This is why we should trust and follow Him. What you don’t give to God, Satan will take and use.

If you are ready to receive Christ through prayer and faith, and you are willing to trust Him and turn your back on evil, which means finding out what God wants you to do and doing it, please use the prayers below and contact Michael on this website afterwards.

For more information on how to follow Jesus, and what God has done for you, please take a look at the links below.

A Simple Clear Gospel Presentation

Please write to me and let me know of your decision.

God bless you,


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My Telegram has a ministry channel. On Tiktok I have many videos and new ones regularly.

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Michael FackerellHi my name is Michael Fackerell, founder of this site. It is created to help you know Jesus and get a great eternal reward from God Almighty. Learn More

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