Free at Last – Story of an Indigenous Australian

When I was a kid going to church was a very fun even for me because I love dancing and singing, but I didn’t really know who Jesus and God was. But I still continued to go church.

In 2004 I went to a Christian Boarding School in Darwin. As a young teenager in school there was a lot of trouble and hate I had faced but that didn’t stop me from going school because education was important to me and my family.

Then in 2007 I started hating my houseparents who was only trying to help me, but I didn’t want to listen to them because at that time my dad went for a surgery and they had to operate on his heart. I was drowning in my sorrow and I felt like telling no one,

But little did I know that God was watching over me and my family. So in 2009 when I was 17 years old I started doing drugs and drinking all sorts of beer. It was fun and it brought pain at the same time, Then I realised by doing that it was slowing me down from my studies and I was tired all the time.

But I didn’t pay attention to what was really happen in my spiritual life. As I look back, I was living in complete darkness, Then 2009 I got married and in 2010 had one child. After my daughter was born, I turned back to drinking and it had gotten worse. My husband and I were always fighting –  then It was me and my mum fighting.

Then emptiness and fear was starting to build up inside me. I felt like the devil was always watching my every move. In July 07, 2011 my great grandfather passed away. Two days before his funeral there was a big fellowship and lots of people was there, and they were asking if anyone needed prayer.

I stood up and said “YES I WANT TO GIVE MY HEART TO JESUS CHRIST!” As they were praying for me, I felt the Holy Spirit hit me like a flood. Then my soul was uplifted and I felt no more heaviness – and it like I was floating on air,

I could never forget the feeling of the Holy Spirit. And now I continue to praise God and worship Him even more and watch others grow in Christ.

I believe that God can set you free from anything because NOTHING in IMPOSSIBLE to GOD.

Have faith and keep your faith strong….

(testimony has been edited only for minor spelling and grammar issues – MRF).

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