Former road manager for the Rolling Stones Eliot Goldstein confirms Caspar McCloud’s story

I received a copy of a letter, the text of which I add below, confirming the key points of Caspar McCloud’s testimony posted elsewhere on my website. I also attach the signed Word document I received.




May 26, 2010


To Whom it may concern,


I first met Caspar McCloud when he was
rehearsing at SIR studios as one of the John Lennon’s in the original
cast members of the Broadway show Beatlemania in NYC.


At the time we met I was working with
Michael Shrieve of Santana’s and his new band NOVO COMBO.


We all realized that Caspar was quite a
talent and Michael Shrieve invited him to jam one night with his
band along with Pat Thrall, who was voted guitarist of the year.


 Caspar rather amazed us with his
musically abilities and we all realized he had more to offer the
world then just being a fake Beatle clone. Michael Shrieve helped
convince Caspar to soon leave the Broadway production before he
got type cast as a Beatle the rest of life, and they headed to
Jimi Hendrix studio Electric Ladyland to lay down some of Caspars
songs with Shrieve producing.


Caspar ended up moving back to England
soon after that and continued recording there with Michael Ward
( aka Michael Wadada)  who took over as manager and


I recall Caspar saying being in
Beatlemania was only one step higher than being an Elvis
impersonator. I think he was uncomfortable with being in a cover
tribute band before that idea got popular, being the prolific
songwriter he is he had much to share with us.  After his
attorney lost a record deal with Sir Richard Branson  at Virgin
Records by making too many demands on the label, Caspar found himelf
on the Atlantic Records roster with CEO and music legend, Ahmet
Ertgun, producing. Mind you Ahmet only worked with the finest
talents ranging from John Coltrane, Areatha Franklin, Ray Charles to
Eric Clapton – Cream and The Rolling Stones.


Sadly Caspar suffered a number of
personal setbacks at that time, his dad was murdered in the
middle of recording his debut album with Atlantic,  which
seemed to have a very unfortunate effect on him and his career. He
started suffering from various health problems , which prevented him
from making the sort of impact that we had hoped he could have
achieved on the world of music.


I have known him for over 30 some
years and he is a good and kind person, a man of faith in his
belief as a Christian and a real gentle man.


He truly believes that his Lord has
healed him and restored him and now  I know he feels that
the Lord uses him to help many people. He now devotes much of his
time and talents serving as a pastor, trying to help other learn some
of the hard lessons that he had learned along the path.


I just want to set the record straight
because I witnessed and was personally involved with Caspar and
remain a close friend of his to this day


Individuals who do not know the facts
and have written lies and distortion about this man of God should be
brought into the light. I wish that there were more individuals like
Caspar in the world. Things would be much brighter and peaceful.



Very truly yours,





Eliot Goldstein

Tour Assistance and Coordination

Club and Stadium Tours

Included diversified acts
Rolling Stones Metallica, Ozzfest, Bruce Springsteen, Fleetwood
Mac, etc.
Independent Record Producer
Artist Management



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