FORGIVE YOURSELF,very heart breaking story

What your about to read is a very heart breaking story but it can teach us all allot.A 17 year old man was getting excitted about turning 18 and he was looking at differnt cars to buy so he went to his mom and dad and told them about this car that he found.Well it was about 5k so he didnt have the money but he let his parents know how much he wanted it.His dad secretely sold some personal items and closewd his savings account and used all the little bit of money he could come up with to buy this car.Well the dad contacted the car dealership and said dont sale the car because I have the money but I want to give the money to my only son for his 18th birthday so we will be down to buy it next week.The car dealer said that will be fine,well the boy kept telling his dad and mom how much he would love to own this car and how much it would mean the world to him.Well the father was so excitted about his only child turning 18.Well on this boys birthday the father said to his wife lets put the money in a check for the full amount for the car on the last page of a brand new bible.So they taped the check in this new bible and on the sons 18 birthday they could hardly wait to give it to their son,so on their sons birthday,they waited till he got up and the father rushed to give his son a box with a brand new bible in it.Well the son thought the money is in the box and when he opened the box he only saw a bible.The boy was devasted and through the box with the bible in it and said,now that I am 18 I am gone.So he packed up his clothes in a hurry and left.About 6 months later the boy decided to call home and he asked his mom to see if he could speak to his dad,and she bursted in to tears over the phone and said he died of a broken heart,they couldnt figure why he died but he was so hurt he died shortly after you left.The son felt so condemed he decided he couldnt go home,so he lived in another state.He wrote his mom to post cards in 3 months and finalley one day he gets a strange letter from an attorney saying your mom passed away you need to come home.So he went home and saw that bible laying on his old bed and when he opened it all of a sudden a check fell out for the amount he needed to buy that car he wanted.He could only sit there and cry and plead for his mom and dad to come back but they both passed away.How many times has God shown youlove,mercy,grace and compassion and we didnt even take the time to say thank you lord Jesus?

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