The Reason for Communion – Don’t Forget Him! He longs for you!

0hungerToday God dropped a message in my heart. The reason for communion. Why did Jesus setup communion? He said it was so we will remember Him. Why do we need to do something often to remember Him? Why? What is God’s reason and why does it matter so much to Him that He wants us to do it OFTEN? Why?

Because He knows we have the tendency to often forget Him …. His greatest price was paid so we enter and stay in communion with Him. He wants us to abide with Him at all times, He called us friends. And how often we disappoint Him by forgetting Him. You can forget Him in the midst of ministering to others, in the midst of chasing for the things of this world, in the midst of the cares of this world and the distractions it provides. And He doesn’t want to be forgotten …

He wants us to remember Him in the Jesus of the past, the Jesus of the present and the Jesus of the future. The Jesus who died for us and rose again, who destroyed the power of the past, the power of any curse, sickness and disease, the power of hurt, pain and addictions.

He wants us to remember Him as the Jesus of the present, the One who is always with us and always wants to be with us. He doesn’t want us to get lost in the cares of this life, the distractions and the pleasures of this world and ignore fellowship with Him.

He wants us to remember Him as the Jesus of the future, who will make all things well and restore all that was lost, the Jesus that will be the only permanent thing that lasts for eternity in our lives. He wants us to live for Him in the future, put our treasure and our affections above, where it will last and He wants us to live with eternity in preview. He wants us to not live with the main focus on what we can gain from this life but what we can gain for eternity.

And there is nothing better to gain than close friendship and intimacy with the One who died for us and longs for our company so much. His promises are great to those who love Him this way: you will bear MUCH fruit, He will reward you, He will dine with you and He will come and manifest Himself to you!

Imagine this, the God of the Universe taking the time to come and manifest Himself to little you? What a privilege and how ignored a privilege, one day in eternity we will regret missing out on the best opportunity we were ever offered by God … By why go there, when we can change things now and have no regrets, while making God’s heart glad by giving Him His greatest desire – our love.

When Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment what He was actually asked was: What matters to You, God, the most, in your interaction with us? What do you want from us, human beings, the most? What are your deepest desires and longings in your interaction with us? If there were a million laws you wanted us to obey, but had to choose one one to ask of us, which one would it be the one weighing most on your heart, the one thing you want the most from us?

For Jesus this was an eternal moment, the moment when He could share His greatest longing with human beings, His deepest desires.  Deep inside He felt like: I am glad you asked, this is my moment. And He gushed with passion:

‘LOVE the Lord your God, with ALL your soul, with ALL your mind, and with ALL your strength.” (Luke 10:27)

See, He is not satisfied with a bit of us, it is not enough for Him, He wants us to go all the way in intimacy with Him, to lay everything down, to uncover and bare our souls before Him, to be focused on Him and not forget Him often with our mind, to put effort in making sure we set time aside and give our best effort in seeking Him and making sure this communion does not get sidelined and forgotten but it rather grows more and more into continuous communion.

He wants this so much that He promises that all those who DILIGENTLY seek Him WILL be rewarded. He promises He will come and dine with us.

If you had a choice to invite someone you really valued, honored and wanted to learn from to your house for dinner who would it be? The president, your pastor, Reinhaard Bonnke, the most successful businessman? Who will it be? Take time and think about it and answer to yourself. Pause and think about it now.

Yet the God of the Universe, who has all things in His control, who can honor you, who can lift you up, who can make you a great minister of the Gospel and who can bless your finances like no other has already made you this offer to come and dine with Him … Are you taking Him up? And How often? He’s made Himself permanently available to you for this. It’s the most under utilized privilege in the world!

He even promises that He will manifest Himself to you. In Greek, the word is emphanidzo, which means to reveal, to uncover what was hidden, take away the veil that stops you from seeing Him deeper, closer, more in detail and showing parts of Himself you never knew clear to your heart.  It means to cause to shine, to exhibit, to declare, to make know. It also means to appear, to come to view, to make visible, to present oneself to the sight of another. This means that He may even manifest Himself to your physical eyes. I know, cause He did it for me.

He appeared twice to me, once as a person and another in the form of an illuminated cloud (when I asked insistently to show me His glory) –   both experiences were while I was awake ad saw Him and the cloud with my naked eye.  Another time He appeared to me in a dream – a powerful visitation in a dream that literally changed my life forever. This happened after I felt an increase in hunger for God and I have asked insistently for Him to not even let the nights go by without us interacting and me experiencing Him. I asked Him to speak to me in dreams and visions and interact with me in any way even in the night so no time is wasted.

I was a busy mom of 2 kids with a husband overseas for 2 months and a business to run. I did not spend my whole time praying, the maximum I sat down to pray was one hour, but I just cried out to Him throughout the day from time to time often, expressing my hunger and longing for Him and made a fresh new dedication to be excellent in heart and action in all my relationships and all I do. He says that if you draw near to God, He will draw near to God. It is our part to prepare our heart and set it like a flint to love God and it is His part to draw near to us when we do so. 

If you want to know more about it, I am happy to share those experiences. But what if this could be your experience, how would it be to live it and what would He say or do to you? How would you feel and how will it change your life and your view of God and of yourself? Nothing in this world is worth missing this.

How much do you long for Him? To be in His presence, to hear Him talk to you, to interact with Him and partake of His wisdom? Just answer honestly… God knows anyway …  

And if you want more of Him, ask Jesus for more hunger for Him right now and continue asking Him several times a day, several days in a row till something happens. And then go for more!

You can ask Him like this: God, I want to see you … God, I want to experience you more … God, I want to know you more! … God, talk to me, day and night! God, I want to interact more with You, I want to hear Your wisdom, I want to know what’s on your heart, what brings you joy and what burdens you, what hurts you as well. Don’t let even the nights pass without me interacting and experiencing You … 

God promises that those who hunger and thirst WILL be filled … It’s just a matter of time … it’s just a matter of more persevering in hungering for Him … it’s just a matter of keeping on going after Him and not letting go until you experience Him deeper … it’s just a matter of time and He will manifest Himself to you…

If you feel your hunger intensifying right now, just drop the reading and go and spend time with Him, the lover of your soul, whose greatest desire is your fellowship. Go, satisfy the heart of God and be satisfied! 

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