Do you know the God of Miracles?

“Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?” (Exodus 15:11)

“Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

It still seems strange and unusual today to many when they hear of outstanding answers to prayer, or great miracles of healing. But why should it? If Jesus Christ is real, and alive today, these things should be commonplace (1). After all, Jesus did teach, “If you abide in Me, and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it will be done for you” (2) and again “whatever things you ask in prayer, really believing, you will receive” (3). The God of miracles wants to get involved in your life! Any true answer to prayer is a miracle. To deny miracles is to mock prayer today. God has proved and is proving in many ways that He means business with us. But have we shown that we mean business with Him?

There are a lot of problems people face today. There is so much pain and suffering in this world. Fear, anxiety, depression, despair, heartbreak, rejection, loneliness, guilt, sickness and more can be found wherever you look. Maybe you feel like you have had more than your fair share of these things. How do we reconcile all this with the idea of a loving, caring Heavenly Father? Can we? Is He really out there? Would He really help you if you call upon Him?

Today God is doing just that for people like you who call upon the name of Jesus and get real with God. You can read some example true stories at and in other places on the net. We prepared this message for you so you would understand how you can know the God who loves and cares for you, the God who does miracles, the God who answers prayers.

Point 1 – God is a good God and deserves to be worshiped

Maybe you’ve believed the lie that God is not good. Maybe you have believed he wants to deny you all good things and make you miserable. That’s a devilish lie friend. People become miserable when they look to the wrong things to make them happy – often things they may never be able to have. But God wants you to have love, joy and peace in your heart, and He wants, as the God of miracles, to get involved in your life and prove Himself to you in so many ways.

God is the maker of all good things. He is the greatest artist of all. He gave good things to be enjoyed. True there are some things which feel good at the time to get into – but God is against them because in the end they will destroy you. Take drugs, for example. But don’t think that God is mean. God is generous. If he was evil as some think, he could have destroyed everything and everyone already. But he is waiting for people to come to their senses, to have a change of heart, to come back to Him. He really deserves to be the center of our lives. He deserves to be loved. And He made the world so when we don’t give Him that place, things don’t work out.

Point 2 – We’ve Rebelled and Messed Up

Right from the beginning of human history, people have believed the lie that we’d be better off without God, without submitting to Him, without doing things His way. The basic attitude has been the root cause of all the evil that has come down to us, especially as people in one way or another have ended up worshiping other spirits – evil spirits, that are behind the false religions, occultic movements and the promotion of the things of this world system. By breaking God’s first commandment, to have no other gods besides Him (5), whole populations have come under the curse and have been separated from God. Worse still, the Bible says that the wages of sin is death – eternal death. There is no escaping from evil by our own power either now – try it and you will see. And unless we get back to the plan of God, there is no future and no eternal hope whatsoever. This rebellion has consequences, and most have only tasted very little of the consequences so far.

Point 3 – Jesus Christ is our only hope – he took our sin and punishment so we could have God’s favor

Jesus Christ really existed on earth and did the things that are recorded in the Bible. He’s mentioned in roman and jewish history also. People watched him do miracles and love people. He said he was the Son of God. But he was crucified, and at the time, his followers were really disappointed.

But this event was part of God’s plan. The meaning of it was expressed in prophecy hundreds of years before it actually happened. You can read about it in Isaiah 53. What happened was that Jesus, in suffering and dying, took your sin and rebellion, your death, your curse, your disease, your rejection, your shame, your punishment, your guilt. He did all this so that you wouldn’t have to bear those things. Not only that, but at the cross an exchange happened. You can actually enjoy the good things that Jesus deserves by his perfect obedience to God, if only you will seek God and put your faith in Him.

Point 4 – The Way is Open, but you need to Say Yes to Jesus and Quit your Rebellion

A careful study of the Bible will reveal that God is after our hearts. Everything has been paid for – but until you start to open yourself up to the Lord, until you start to hear and believe the message concerning his great goodness and his promises of forgiveness, freedom, and answered prayer NOTHING is going to change for you. So whether you are a believer in Jesus or not, we encourage you to pursue God with your whole heart. That is what God is looking for.

Without faith you cannot please God (6). You need to believe that God will make it worthwhile for you to pursue Him, to know Him personally. Millions have already found that it is so. But in order for it to work for you, you have to apply it personally.

I encourage you to get in touch with us because we are seeking God already, and God is doing miracles for us. Basically, something has got to happen where God touches your heart and you are willing to ask Jesus for his salvation and intervention in your life, and quit rebelling against Him.

The Bible promises that those who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. (7). Are you willing to do that? If you do it with faith in your heart, if you are truly willing to hand your life over to God and trust Him, something is going to happen. Jesus Christ will come into your life by His Spirit. And your sins, however many they may be, will be forgiven by God Himself.

You may already have begun with Christ at some time, but you realise you still have plenty of unbelief in your heart concerning God’s willingness to get involved in your life. Faith will come as you meditate on the relevant promises of the Word of God. The prayer below is suitable for anyone who means business with God, whether they are coming to the Lord for the first time or renewing a commitment to Christ.

Suggested Prayer:

Jesus Christ,

My life is not what it should be so I’m handing it over to you. I believe you took my rebellion and all the evil consequences of my disobedience upon yourself when you suffered in my place and gave your life on the cross for me. I’m sorry for my sins and I’m trusting you to cleanse me of them. (Tell God your worst sins now). I believe you rose again, and that you are the Son of the Living God. You have the right to be Lord of my life. I turn from my sins, and I ask you to forgive me just as I now with your help choose to forgive all those who hurt me. Make me a new person, Lord Jesus, a real follower of Jesus. Come into my life by the Holy Spirit. I confess your Lordship in my life, and believe that you save me and make me new. Teach me all I need to know on a daily basis so my life becomes a great testimony for you. And teach me how to receive all your love and blessings that you freely give me because of your great love for me, especially the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for all you have done for me and are doing in my life. Amen.


If you prayed that prayer and you want to know the God of miracles personally, we invite you to contact us via the web and we will be delighted to help you grow in your faith. Please visit the website below:



(1) And in some places miracles are commonplace. In Nigeria, many parts of South America, China, India and in less developed countries where people believe in the existence of spirits miracles in the name of Jesus are extremely commonplace. This is proof positive that Jesus is alive. See also Mark 16:17,18; John 14:12.

(2) John 15:7

(3) Matthew 21:22

(4) Hebrews 11:6

(5) Exodus 20:3

(6) Hebrews 11:6

(7) Romans 10:13

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