Deena Jones – Delivered from Crack Cocaine

Deena Jones shares about her life and how after calling upon the name of the Lord she was delivered from addiction to crack cocaine.

First of all I’d like to thank our Lord Jesus for His unconditional Love
and His blessings He has blessed us with. I would like to share my
testimony of my past drugs/alcohol and abuse with everyone in this
world, and to speak and praise in what Jesus has helped me in
surviving and overcoming the hard battles and struggles everyday I
was in bondage.

God Is Love…God has Unconditional Love for His Children

It all started as having a very hard childhood. I come from a very
dysfunctional family and was abused in many ways from family
members. My mother had left us at a very young age, and my father
became an alcoholic. Although my father was a very hard worker to
support all of us kids, he drank, but he also went to work the next
day. As I was growing up in my early teens, I was shifted from home
to home, and was never stabled. Our relatives across the Islands had
requested and asked my dad to take us because my father couldnt
take care of us well enough. I was going through relatives home
every month, and crying out for my father to come back to pick me
up. I remembered feeling very confused and hurt, and I didnt want to
be with relatives. Later on that year, my oldest sister got married to a
man who had abused her during her pregnancy, and she took me and
my other sister in. We lived with them in misery everyday. We were
treated like slaves. We couldnt do anything, go anywhere, participate
in anything…we were basically her and his slaves!!

One day in school, I hung around with friends that were into
smoking, drinking, not going to church and those who were hiding
from their parents. I try to be like them because I wasnt taught any
better. Later on, I started smoking cigarettes and hiding it. You cant
really hide from the smell of smoke, because its in your hair and
clothes. I ended up staying out later than my curfew time(which was
immediately after school gets out!) just then I got home my sister and
her husband started yelling and beating on me,and asking why do I
smell like cigarettes, and why didnt I come home immediately after
school. I left the next day, acting as I was going to school. From this
point on, I was living with friends to friends, and constantly living in
fear and hiding from my family members. After 6 weeks of running,
hiding, and having almost nothing to eat, I went back to my sister’s
home, and decided to just give in. I was tired!! I decided to go back
home. That same day, as I was walking near the apartment they lived
in, I heard a honk from behind me, and it was her husband. He yelled
in an angry get into the car.. I was scared and so I ran, but
he caught up with me, physically grabbed me and threw me in his car.
When we got home he went straight to the room and came out with a
belt. He beat me with the belt and threw the remote control on my
head which caused bleeding and swelling. Just when I thought the
beating was done….my sister came home after work and did more
damage to me physically. I walked out the next day with bruises and
welts, and could not walk or talk and a friend had taken me to the
police station and it was then they had placed me into diffrent foster
homes. By this time…I was in 9th grade, and was moved around in
five diffrent foster homes. I needed to get away from this, so I told
my father and kissed him goodbye that I was moving to one of my
brother and his wife’s residence in the State of Washington. I came to
Washington and went to high school there. Got married and started a
family, shortly after.

My life as a mother and wife was going really good, and I
remembered being so happy and content with my life, because I had
God into our lives. I thought to myself…God has chosen me to be a
Mom and a Wife. My husband was working with a strong company,
I was a stay at a home Mom.We were also getting alot of help from
his parents, and things were looking up….my children….were my
life…..I really enjoyed being a Mom….doing things with them….taking
them everywhere I went…..They were my life…..I started going to
church with my kids every Sunday. Years went by I started slowly
slippin away from my faith. My marriage slowly started dissolving
and infidelity took a big chunk out of us both. I started going out with
colleagues and friends, started drinking every weekend. My hurt and
my pain was when I was going to church and always praying, but
something was definitely missing in my life….nothing seemed to help
but escaping my pain into my alcohol….my drinking progressed and
thats all I wanted to do was to party. I had no limits. The enemy was
striking into myself and my family, more and more and I was
becoming weaker and weaker.

In a very short and quick time, I was introduced to smoking
crack/cocaine, and that is when everything stopped functioning. I was
out with some people who at that time considered them as real close
friends. You know it is true what they say about crack–is when you
take that first Hit, that high you will never get again….and since then
my life was based on chasing that same hit. Crack can do some
serious harm to your mind and body as well as losing everything you
owned and everybody who loved and cared for you. It had ruined
me completely. It took total control over me. Crack/Cocaine has
ruined my reputation, my self-worth and my self-respect. I ended up
leaving my kids and family for this drug. I ended up living with this
guy who was very abusive and very controlling,-physically, mentally,
emotionally, and verbally. I ended up with guys who had crack on
them, and using them for their drugs only, and in return getting hurt in
the end of it. I got really depressed and I wanted the help,but I
needed more than the professional help. It got worse for me that I
wanted to end my life, and months later I had attempted suicide.
Again the Enemy had struck… I had family members coming to look
for me constantly, and saying that they will always pray for me. They
even told the Pastor that I’ve known before he became a Pastor
about my situation, and asked that their fellowship will pray for me. I
heard that he had announced my name to pray for me, that I was
facing drug addictions. But I didnt care about anything or anyone but
only one thing was on my mind…and that was my next high.

I do remember this one time where I was being videotaped (without
my knowledge) at a crackhouse, being taped during my drug intake,
and the effects it took after! I was also accused of doing porno films
which in fact I do not recall doing one. These Enemies took this tape
and used it against me everywhere. These Enemies started playing
mental games with me.I had drug enemies who hated me because I
was getting free crack, and got away with free drugs. I had a hard
time trying to find employment, and couldnt because, the videotape
of my past was incriminating me. This is my past that haunts me. I
was tired of living a lie. Tired of living the crack-scene world, tired of
losing everything already lost, tired of being broke the next day, tired
of the party life, tired of
smoking…smoking….drinking…drinking…..tired of being verbally
attacked by derogatory names by everyone…..

Until one day, I fell to my knees and cried out to Jesus to please help
rescue me…I had enough of the drugs/alcohol and the abuse, it was
then that I cried my heart out and prayed and ask God …please Help
me! It was then I accepted Jesus Christ my Saviour to enter into my
heart, mind and body! And He did! I have been cleaned and drug
free for about 4 1/2 years now. I am a living testimony of how Jesus
had stopped the cravings, the urges for me to use. Everyday I thank
our Lord Jesus for renewing and restoring me as whole again. I thank
our Lord Jesus for my recovery, and for giving me life again. Jesus
has stepped into my Life and has changed my entire life. Jesus Is
Love!! YES! HE IS! I thank Jesus for everything, every blessing,
every good and every bad, because when I think back about my past
of where I’ve been and where I am at today…..You know what? I
get on my knees, I thank our Father and remember what and where
His Only Son Jesus, has been through in His times of sufferings and
His beatings…and to know that Jesus has died on the Cross for our
sins, and at that very moment I know in my heart and mind that Jesus
is here with me.. within me….besides me….comforting me telling me
in His words…"Do not worry or weep, for I am here with you".

Thank You Jesus for restoring my life again. He has truly delivered
me from the drugs/alcohol and the past abuse. I praise you Lord
Jesus My Saviour. Although I don’t have my children living with me
physically, each day God hears my prayers and I trust in Him that He
has better plans for me. I Trust and Have Faith in Jesus to give me
the strength to get my children back someday. Today, it is still rough,
but I am living a much more humble and peaceful life within myself. I
now have Jesus in my life, and it can’t be any better than that. I have
plans to help people, with volunteer work, and helping to reach those
who are in the same bondage that I was in before. I pray that God
will lead me there. My true testimony is through Jesus Christ our

Here is a poem by an unknown author I would like to share with you
all also. It’s called I’ve Found a New Life in Jesus!

I’ve Found A New Life in Jesus:

I’ve found a new life in Jesus, Old things have all passed away;
Awakened, I rose up to enter The dawn of an unending day. I’ve
found a new life in Jesus, My values in life are all new; Eternal things
now fill my vision, The earthly have faded from view. I’ve found a
new life in Jesus, I’mwalking by faith not by sight; He strengthens my
heart in the daytime, And He gives me a song in the night. I’ve found
a new life in Jesus, The pleasures of sin will not do; My heart
demands something more lasting, My soul must be satisfied too, I’ve
found a new life in Jesus, To please Him is all my delight, I now have
a purpose for living, My hope for the future is bright. I’ve found a
new life in Jesus, My world of tomorrow looks bright; The darkness
that once did surround me, Is lost in its heavenly light……

My email is [email protected]

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