Confessions on Purity

I am to let no one despise my youth, but I am to be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith and in purity. 1Ti 4.12

When Christ is revealed, I shall be like Him, for I shall see Him as He is. I have this hope in Him and so I purify myself, just as Jesus Christ is pure. 1Jo 3.2 3.3

I love my brother and abide in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in me. 1Jo 2.10

I must be pure in heart, for, blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Mt 5.8

Having God’s promises, I cleanse myself from all filthiness of flesh and of spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. 2Cor 7.1

I commend myself as a minister of God by purity. 2Cor 6.6

The blood of Christ cleanses my conscience from dead works to serve the living God. Heb 9.19

God puts His law in my heart and writes it on my mind. Jer 31.31

God sprinkles clean water on me, and I am clean. God cleanses me from all my filthiness and from all my idols. Ez 36.25

God gives me a new heart and puts a new spirit within me; God takes the heart of stone out of my flesh and gives me a heart of flesh. Ez 36.26

God has put His Spirit within me and causes me to walk in His statutes, and to keep His judgements and do them. Ez 36.27

God delivers me from all my uncleanness and calls for grain and multiplies it, and brings no famine upon me.

Ez 36.29

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