Resisting Worry, Anxiety, Frustration

I cast all my anxieties (worries) upon the Lord, because He cares for me. 1Pet 5.7

I have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving I let my requests be made known to God. Php 4.6

I do not fret or worry or get anxious because of wicked people. I am not envious of wrongdoers. Ps 37.1

I am still before the LORD, and wait patiently for him. I do not get uptight or worry over the one who prospers through dirty tricks and dishonest methods. Ps 37.7

I will hold myself from getting angry about this stuff. I will stop getting really angry with people. I’m not going to worry about it – because this kind of worrying just leads to worse evil. Ps 37.8

It is vain to rise early and go to bed late and work anxiously. God gives me sleep because He loves me. Ps 127.2

Anxiety in my heart would weigh me down. Instead I will receive and meditate on good words which will make me glad. Pr 12.25

I don’t fret because of evildoers, and I won’t wish harm on the wicked because they are having undeserved benefits. Pr 24.19

I am like a tree planted by water. I don’t fear when the heat comes. I am not anxious in the year of drought. I don’t cease to bear fruit. Jer 17.8

I am not anxious about my natural life, what I shall eat or drink, nor about my body, what I shall wear. I refuse to have an anxious mind. Mt 6.25

I am not anxious about tomorrow. Tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Mt 6.34

I am not going to be anxious when on trial for the Lord. Mt 10.19 Mk 13.11

I am not going to be anxious about household problems. Lk 10.41

I am not to be with an anxious, doubtful mind. Lk 12.29

God wants me to free from worldly anxieties. I am concerned only for the affairs of the Lord. I cast all my anxieties (worries) upon the Lord, because He cares for me.
1Pet 5.7

I do not fret or worry or get anxious because of wicked people. I am not envious of wrongdoers. Ps 37.1

I am still before the LORD, and wait patiently for him. I do not get uptight or worry over the one who prospers through dirty tricks and dishonest methods. Ps 37.7

I will hold myself from getting angry about this stuff. I will stop getting really angry with people. I’m not going to worry about it – because this kind of worrying just leads to worse evil. Ps 37.8

It is vain to rise early and go to bed late and work anxiously. God gives me sleep because He loves me. Ps 127.2

Anxiety in my heart would weigh me down. Instead I will receive and meditate on good words which will make me glad. Pr 12.25

I don’t fret because of evildoers, and I won’t wish harm on the wicked because they are having undeserved benefits. Pr 24.19

I am like a tree planted by water. I don’t fear when the heat comes. I am not anxious in the year of drought. I don’t cease to bear fruit. Jer 17.8

I am not anxious about my natural life, what I shall eat or drink, nor about my body, what I shall wear. I refuse to have an anxious mind. Mt 6.25

I am not anxious about tomorrow. Tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Mt 6.34

I am not going to be anxious when on trial for the Lord. Mt 10.19 Mk 13.11

I am not going to be anxious about household problems. Lk 10.41

I am not to be with an anxious, doubtful mind. Lk 12.29

God wants me to free from worldly anxieties. I am concerned only for the affairs of the Lord. 1Cor 7.32

The only thing to be concerned for is the welfare of the churches. 2Cor 11.28 Php 2.20 1Cor 7.32

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