Confessions about Hearing God

The reality of a personal relationship with God and hearing from God is for those who have called upon the name of the Lord Jesus with desire to let Him work what He wants in your life. The great challenge in life is to truly know the LordGet to know what He is like. He leads gently, He invites you to pursue Him, He doesn’t drive or condemn in the way He speaks, but fills you with hope if you are willing.

 To have the best opportunities to hear God – we need to first prepare ourselves by consecrating ourselves to the Lord, meditating on the Word, getting into His presence and then we need to learn to WAIT silently, hopefully, expectantly and longingly for as long as it takes until the Lord is pleased to speak to us. 

So here are the confessions you could use. They include commitments to God, because God’s promises ARE conditional.

I see to it that I do not refuse Him who speaks. Heb 12.25

I hear the voice of Jesus my shepherd. He calls me by name and leads me out. Jn 10.3

I follow Jesus for I know His voice. Jn 10.4

I will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for I do not know the voice of strangers. I will not listen to evil spirits. I will not obey evil spirits. I will not submit to evil spirits. Jn 10.5

I am of God and I hear God’s words. Jn 8.47

I am able to understand Christ’s speech because I am able to listen to His Word. Jn 8.43

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit is with me. 2Cor 13.14

Today I will to hear His voice, and I do not harden my heart as in the rebellion. Heb 13.15

I hear the Beloved Son of God. Mt 17.5

God makes known to me what His thoughts are. Amos 4.13

God awakens me morning by morning. He awakens my ear to hear as the learned. The Lord God has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious, nor did I turn away. Is 50.4

God gives me the word of wisdom.

God gives me the word of knowledge.

God gives me prophetic utterance.

God gives me the gift of faith. 1Cor 12.8-8.10

God has given me the gift of interpretation of tongues. 1Cor 14.13

I hear the instruction of my Father, God. Pr 1.8

I obey the voice of God. Jer 11.4

I choose to live uprightly and now God’s secret counsel is with me. Pr 3.32

The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him. I fear the Lord and His secrets are with me. He also shows me His covenant. Ps 25.14

I fear the Lord and He teaches me in the way He chooses. Ps 25.12

My eyes shall see my Teachers. My ears shall hear a word behind me, saying, “This is the way, walk in it, whenever I turn to the right hand or whenever I turn to the left.” Is 30.20 30.21

The words of Jesus abide in me. Jn 15.7

I listen to God’s words; I bow my ear to what God says. I will not let God’s words depart from my eyes; I will keep them in the centre of my heart. They are life to me and health to all my flesh. Pr 4.20 – 4.22

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