Christ Brings Peace

Testimony of a secret Christian student in Bombay (Mumbai) India

Beloved brothers and sisters in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ,
greetings to you all.

Because of my Gospel ministry at the city of Bombay (Mumbai)
received a letter from a student stating her Testimony: – Here follows
her testimony in Hindi translated into English;

Dear Brother David,

My name is Asha aged 16;my parents are Hindus. I was studying in 10th
standard (S.S.L.C) in a Hindu Vidiyalia high school in Mumbai.

I led a sinful life and suffered for want of Peace, with out the
knowledge of my parents on my way to school, I will go to Internet
cafes to see sexual pictures and thereby sought to get peace of mind.
But contrary to my expectations my problem increased and Peace seemed
disappearing altogether. Then I went to very many Hindu temples in
Mumbai city, yet I couldn’t get peace, then I got friendship with
young riotous boys and I had a shameful life.

In the mean time I got a pamphlet published by your India Bible
Mission “Where are you Going” Published for the young. I read it
again and again and confessed my sins in front of Lord Jesus Christ
at once I got Peace and Joy. On my request you mailed me a Holy Bible
and Bible Course Book to my school address. I studied them repeatedly
and Believed Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. The last lesson in
the Bible Course book was “How to live for God”? It touched me and I
Choose this way of life, as a testimony of my life seven companions
of mine now saved in the Name of Jesus Christ. Weekly we gather
together and there we pray and meditate on Bible, It is being
conducted secretly since my parents and relatives are Hindus. If they
come to know of my Christian Faith, I am afraid they may drive me out
of Home,

Brother David, What shall I do? How should I get baptized? Can you
give me full time missionary training? I `m Sharing the message of
Salvation which changed my life to my friends and I want to be a
missionary in future in Mumbai to Share this message to the young
people like me who are in need of Peace and Happiness.

Please write to me in the next school year to my school address and
not to the home address please, it will put me in trouble so this is
very important.If possible give me 1000 pamphlets, 100 Holy Bibles
and 100 Bible Course Books in Hindi; probably send them to my school
after coming June. Again please do not send any letters or Books in
my home address.

Brother David, Pray in the mean time that my parents and relatives
to receive Lord Jesus and to be saved. I have 1960 Rupees with me
with me that is given my parents to take new cloths in the holi
festival, I have sufficient cloths.I wish to give the money to print
pamphlets and Bibles please accept it, I cry every morning and pray
with out the knowledge of my parents for you and all the missionaries
working with you in India.

Thank you thank you.

Your sister in Christ.

Asha, Mumbai.

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