Brian Johnson

How Jesus Became A Reality In My Life


I was brought up in Scotland in a family that attended church regularly every Sunday. Despite being exposed to Christian things, the Christian faith made little impact on my life. Going to church was a matter of habit, a social activity where I met lots of others my own age. After leaving home for London at the age of 20, I drifted away from church. Several years later I was married in one and continued with church attendance, although “church” did not affect my life. I was aware that some aspects of my life were not as they should be, but it didn’t bother me unduly. After all, most of my life seemed pretty respectable.

Next Steps

Eventually, aged 39 and by now married with a wife and two children, I began to look into “spiritual things”. This enquiry phase covered a period of about a year. At the outset, I began to read about Spiritualism, “out of the body” experiences, reincarnation and other occult areas. With hindsight, I realise I was trying to find out what was “real” in the spiritual realm. (Also, with hindsight, I realised these areas were NOT of God!) After reading a number of occult books on such topics, I visited a Christian bookshop and decided to buy a book called “The Holy Spirit and You” by Dennis and Rita Bennett. It was during this year that I gradually came to the realisation that I was a pretty hard-hearted person. I also recognised that I wanted to change and become more loving towards other people; and that my church attendance was nothing more than a “sham”.

A Decision To Be Made

Having read several chapters of this book, I just knew in my heart that I needed to make a decision about Jesus Christ. Not a mental decision, but a decision affecting my whole being and way of life. I became acutely aware that I had a choice to make. I didn’t feel under any pressure, but the awareness that I needed to decide was very strong in my mind.

Making The Decision

During a day’s leave from work in February 1985, I had a powerful impression in my mind that I needed to make a decision about Jesus, one way or the other. Without much ado, I decided to get on my knees and pray. I knew what to pray, having read a prayer of surrender to Jesus in “The Holy Spirit and You”. During this prayer time I fully surrendered my life to Jesus Christ and experienced many tears of repentance over my past sins. I realised that it was God I had offended most in the past.

A New Life Begins!

As I walked to work the next day it seemed as if everything was clean and new, almost as if someone had cleaned up the colours of the trees and sky! I was also aware of a new lightness in my life and a joyful spirit. I also wanted to share my experience with others, as a testimony of what had happened to me. Later the same week I attended a lay Christian meeting at which the speaker prayed over me. The following day I had an intense experience of God’s love for me personally. This intense awareness of his presence and love for me personally lasted for several weeks and was, in effect, a true “love affair” with Jesus. This love was so personal and so real that I knew, without a shadow of doubt, what “true love” was and that God himself was its source. Shortly afterwards I started a Christian fellowship meeting at work with other Christians.

The Life Continues

It has been a blessing to see others, both family and friends, get to know Jesus and that same love that I have come to know. I have been greatly encouraged seeing God’s Holy Spirit at work and co-operating (as best I can!) with His work in others’ lives. The Christian life is not easy, but serving God is a great privilege………and a challenge!

Brian Johnson

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