Breaking the Bastard Curse – Chapter 10

Reaching The Lost Sheep

      The bastard curse starts at the time of an illegitimate conception. It’s consequence is that for ten generations people are not able to come into the congregation of the Lord.

Sex outside of marriage, even if that couple subsequently gets married before the child is born, produces a bastard child. That child is the second generation of the next ten. If the people repent and break that curse, they and the child that they have authority over are set free to come into the congregation of the Lord.

In the Old Testament the only way to break the bastard curse was through capital punishment — death to all the family. In the New Testament, Jesus died on the cross to redeem us from the curse of the law – if we repent. His death on the cross substituted the need for us to die in order to break the curse. Praise God! His mercy endures forever and ever.

In Deuteronomy 23:2, it says ten generations. Do you know everything that has transpired in the last ten generations in your family? Many parents don’t even know what their children did last night. How can we know the details of all our ancestors’ lives for the past four hundred or more years?

Consider warfare – modern and ancient. War has, for centuries, involved raping, killing, and plundering. Every war, from the smallest African tribal conflict to the largest world war has always left behind a trail of bastard children. If you are from a European background, how many bloodlines were corrupted by such warring peoples as the Goths, the Gauls, the Celtics, the Franks, or the Vikings as they devastated villages all over Europe? Or if you are from Asia, how many generations have been affected by the marauding Huns, Mongols, or Seleucids? Or from American Indians, who warred against neighboring tribal nations? You can be pretty sure that we all have been under this curse, and still are if we have not repented for the sins of our forefathers or our own sin in these matters.

We must add that an abortion does not set people free from the bastard curse, even though the child was killed before it had a chance to be born. If you have done this, even though you have asked God to forgive you for the abortion, you still need to repent to remove the curse of the bastard off you.

Would you please join us in prayer to break the bastard curse off of ourselves and our families?

Heavenly Father, and Almighty God, we come to You humbly in our hearts, letting loose of all the pride of the greatness of our bloodlines. And we ask You in the name of Jesus Christ to forgive us for our involvement in illegitimate children.

We repent for our behavior, and the behavior of our ancestors, going back ten generations. We know that we cannot change their judgment, but we know from Your Word Father, that Jesus died on Calvary’s cross to redeem us from all curses, but especially right now we ask You Father to redeem us from the curse of the bastard. We nail the sin, transgressions, and iniquities of ourselves and our ancestors to the Cross, going back ten generations in the name of Jesus Christ.

We ask You Father, that You restore the blessings in our lives, that we can come freely into the congregation of the Lord, having sweet fellowship with You Father, with You Lord Jesus, and very importantly, that we can have fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We thank You Father for Your faithfulness. Help us break any habit patterns we may have from living under this heavy curse, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray and thank You for this deliverance, Amen.
If you prayed this prayer with us in faith, with a heart of repentance, forgiveness and thankfulness, then you are free from the bastard curse. He who the Son sets free is free indeed.42 What a wonderful realization to know that we do not have to tolerate four hundred years of this curse, that satan’s bondage over us is broken, that the spirit of offense has lost its grip. You should be really blessed. We are!

What we have just done together is monumental. Our experience has been that people who have been set free of the bastard curse see enormous blessings in their relationships both in their churches and in their prayer closets. But why stop here? Why not reach your own family members?

Now that we have been set free of the bastard curse, by the price Jesus paid on the tree, let’s go out to the scattered sheep, and help them come back into the sheepfold. Explain this to them, or have them read a copy of this book. This book could be a wonderful gift to help your loved ones become set free. Once they understand about this curse, and you pray with them and encourage them to come back into the congregation of the Lord, then you can all stand together, even if there are goats.

The Lord Jesus is coming back for a glorious church at His return. We believe helping our brothers and sisters break free of the bastard curse that has inhibited their fellowship is an important part of helping His church be more glorious. If we, the sheep of the Lord’s pasture, will look out for one another, and stand together, we will not have to fight off the goats. The battle belongs to the Lord. We just stand together in love, helping and encouraging one another, and the authority of this terrible curse will melt away until it is only a bad memory. We believe with all our hearts that this is the truth.

The Lord led us into this revelation. We are not smart enough to figure it out for ourselves. Praise God! Those of you who are pastors, and have a sheepfold, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have it full of sheep again, to see the goats leave because they could not get their way? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see the flock that the Lord has given you to shepherd continue to grow, seeing signs, miracles and wonders day by day?

Jesus said that we can do the works that He did and greater.43 He paid the price by dying shamefully on the tree to redeem us from the curse. But we are in the position that we can do a great work of filling up the church that He is building!

So may God bless you abundantly in your pursuit of The Lord, in reaching the lost sheep around you, and in continuing to walk in the freedom and the liberty wherewith Christ has set us free.44 Let us reach out and grab hold of His blessings in faith, and help others to do the same.


42John 8:36

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

43John 14:12
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

44Galatians 5:1
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.



By Clement Humbard

      This generation is destined to know by revelation and experience the Lord Jesus Christ more intimately than any before us. The Revelation of God is progressive, accumulative, and eternal. The inspired Word of God is settled, the Faith once delivered remains, the work of Calvary is once and for all finished, and the ministry of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit continues upon this earth.

However, we seek and pray for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to know and understand the riches of His Glory, which is His inheritance in the saints, and be able to comprehend the breadth, length, depth, and height of the love of Christ (Ephesians 1:17-18; 3:18,19). The pursuit of God, the divine romance, the hunger and thirst after God and His righteousness continues. We don’t know it all nor have it all.

Christ stated that all would be revealed, known, and proclaimed, even the hidden things revealed unto ‘babes” (Matthew 10:26-27; 11:25; Luke 12:2-3). The neglected and/or unknown teaching presented herein by our brothers Carl Fox and Paul Norcross may well be included in His statement. There should, therefore, be no fear, or alarm, over unheard and unfamiliar scriptural truth of generational curses and blessings.

Jesus told His disciples they were not able to bear more revelation at that time, but the promised Holy Spirit would teach them, and guide them into all truth. The Apostle Paul, after writing the most complete exposition of the central truths of Christianity, which was:

  – the Gospel of God
  – the “Constitution” of Christianity
  – the all inclusive widest possible designation of the whole body of redemptive truth,

declared that there was still a mystery to be revealed beyond that which the Romans already knew. Through this they would be established (Romans 16:25-26).

The indelible stigma of illegitimate births was present in Bible days. When Jesus was twelve years of age He went up to Jerusalem with Joseph and Mary to the feast of the Passover to register His Name and the name of his Father. When the days were fulfilled they returned not knowing Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem. (A twelve-year old boy could travel, as the custom was, with the men’s, or women’s group and they did not miss Jesus until they went a day’s journey.) Three days later He was found in the temple with teachers. When Mary, his mother, asked for an explanation, Jesus answered, “Knew ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?”

Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, and God was His Father. During His ministry the Pharisees and the Jews belittled and mocked Him by declaring “where is your Father?”45 and “we are not born of fornication,” meaning that they were not bastard children like (they thought) Jesus was.46

The very process that satan would use to bring generational curses, God, in His infinite wisdom used, through the virgin birth of our Lord and His death on the cross, to break the curse and bring generational blessings. The Word of God declares in Galatians chapter three that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. This redemption is universal for all Christians, but it must be appropriated by faith, that the blessing of Abraham may come through Jesus Christ.

May the understanding brought by this book help to release much freedom and joy to the Body of Christ!

Clement Humbard
Hot Springs, AK

About the Authors

About the Authors

Carl L. Fox and his wife Sheila are a powerful team of ministers whose work continues across several continents and throughout the United States. Known for teaching God’s people how to rise up in great faith, Carl’s ministry is characterized with extraordinary miracles. Thousands have been healed under his ministry since he began pastoring and teaching in the 1970’s.

In the 1980’s, the Lord began unveiling understanding in many areas of deliverance that were sorely needed in the body of Christ. One of them was in the area of teaching believers how to deal with powerful curses that afflict them and the church. By leading him through the Scriptures and in practical deliverance ministry experience, the Lord has established Carl as one of the foremost deliverance ministries in the world today. The blind see, the lame walk, and the dead are raised.

Carl was ordained to the Christian Ministry in 1980 and is the founder of Christian Faith International Ministries. He is a sought after speaker, and no-holds-barred faith builder whose love for the Lord and ability to inspire others to the same have enabled his apostolic ministry to arise with enormous impact in such countries as the Ukraine, Romania and India as well as at home. His books include the popular Turning Curses Into Blessings, and his inspiring seminars of the same name as well as Keys To Answered Prayer and Strongmen Of The Bible Revealed have propelled many into new dimensions of faith and healing.

Carl can be contacted at his office at:

Christian Faith International Ministries
923 N. Foch Street
T or C, NM 87901

Tel : (505) 894-5691

Website : * Email : [email protected]

Paul D. Norcross is pastor of Maranatha Bible Chapel in Charlemont, Massachusetts. He is also the director of Kingdom Faith Ministries, an international traveling and teaching ministry that is devoted to helping God’s people learn to hear and obey the voice of the Lord. He teaches a dynamic seminar on this subject, as well as two others: How to Walk by the Spirit in Your Marriage, and Acts 29: Walking In The Power of the Holy Spirit –a course on operating all nine manifestation gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Together with his wonderful wife, Rita, Paul and their three children home school together on their rural farm. A former naval officer and graduate industrial engineer, both Paul and Rita graduated from seminary and received their baccalaureate theology degrees in Biblical Studies. In 1984 Paul was ordained to the Christian ministry. God honors both their ministries with powerful signs, miracles and wonders. The Lord has led Paul to write the following books which have blessed many believers around the world, and helped them connect much more confidently and intimately with Jesus Christ:

  • Dining At The Master’s Table: Learning To Hear the Voice of the Lord
  • Succeeding in Spiritual Warfare
  • The Voice Upon The Waters
  • Marriage Seminar: How To Walk By The Spirit In Your Marriage
  • Acts 29 Course: How To Walk By The Spirit (Volumes I, II, III)
  • In The Secret Place

To find out more about these materials and his ministry, Paul can be contacted through:

Kingdom Faith Ministries
PO Box 725
Charlemont, MA 01339

Tel: (413) 339-8630

Web: * E-mail: [email protected]

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