Brain Tumor healed

I would like to give a real-life testimony of what the Lord has done for me recently. I am so excited about it and would like to share it with other people.

In February of 2007, I woke up with double-vision. I was not too concerned about it at the time and thought it might be a sinus-infection or something. After visiting the doctor, he advised that I have my eyes tested at the Pretoria Eye Institute. After examination they referred me for a MRI scan.
The MR scan revealed that I had a growth in the midbrain which was pressing on an optical nerve causing double-vision and pressure in the brain because the growth was obstructing normal flow of water from the brain. I was shocked and petrified with fear to say the least.

I had also been suffering from a lot of headaches, and this diagnosis explained why I had so much headaches.

My wife and I went to see a Neurologist at the Unitas hospital nearby. He said that it looked like a tumour and referred me to a neurosurgeon at
Eugene Marais hospital.

The neurosurgeon advised us that he had to install a VP shunt so that pressure could be relieved from the brain. At the same time he told us that he would treat me for a possible parasite in the brain, as he thought that a biopsy was far to risky and could lead to other complications because of the
location of the growth. I started to drink Zentel in overdose to try and kill any possible parasites.

I went for the VP shunt operation and the doctor extracted some brain fluid to send to the labs to test for parasite infection. The test for parasites came out negative, and the neurosurgeon advised me that the growth was a tumour, and that it could not be removed without causing possible damage to other functions controlled in the midbrain.

At this stage I realised that medical science and man could not help me. My wife was 8 months pregnant with our 2nd child at the time, and things were looking darker than ever. I turned to God. I remembered a scripture from the

Bible in Psalms. “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From whence does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”

And Prov 3:5,8 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding … Healing shall be to your navel and marrow to your bones.”

Is 53: 5 “By His wounds, we are healed.”

I thank God for a father and mother who are very devoted to His ways. They prayed for me daily. I went to a healing service, and they prayed for me. I had no choice but to put all my faith in Jesus for a miracle.

My wife suggested that I look into the possibility of radiotherapy, but I decided to keep trusting the Lord for an outcome.

I went for a 2nd MR scan in March 2007 which still showed the tumour taking up contrast. There was no change.

Six months down the line, I went for a 3rd MR scan …

Our God is GREAT ! His power and love is beyond understanding. I have no words to describe His glory. Our God that created the heavens and the earth, paused and touched my life, and healed me. Not because of who I am, but
because of who He is. I am not worthy of His love, but still He does. Praise Jesus who paid the price for us !

The 3rd scan showed that the tumour was dying. It did not take up contrast and now looks like a vague blur on the scan.

I went to visit the neurosurgeon to show him the latest scans. He confirmed that it looks like the tumour was indeed not active anymore and that it was in fact dying. On asking him why a tumour would just die all of a sudden without any treatment, he replied that he could not explain it. I told him
that we prayed for healing. He smiled and told me that he also believed that prayer had to be the only explanation.

All thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ ! Thanks for giving me more time on earth to see my children grow up, and to give me time to testify Your amazing grace. God is good !

Thank you

Riaan van Jaarsveld


South Africa

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