Bombshell Study: Depression is NOT caused by chemical imbalance

Depression is a horrible, painful mental condition and the suffering people go through is immense. It is more than mild sadness. Many with depression feel life is not worth living and want to end their lives.

Doctors have been telling us for years that depression is caused by low serotonin levels – a “chemical imbalance” which can be fixed by the right amount of medication.

But since every person is different, they just experiment with the dosages they prescribe so they can see what might work. They get very well paid for dispensing this educated guesswork.

Anyway, it now turns out that the whole theory that depression is due to chemical imbalance has been been seriously called into question by a major bombshell study done by researchers at University College London in the United Kingdom.

"No evidence that depresion is caused by low serotonin level ..."

Newest scientific research:👇

Researchers from University College London released a study last week that concluded that there is “no clear evidence” that serotonin levels or serotonin activity is responsible for depression.

“The popularity of the ‘chemical imbalance’ theory of depression has coincided with a huge increase in the use of antidepressants,” said professor Joanna Moncrieff, the study’s lead author. “Prescriptions for antidepressants have risen dramatically since the 1990s, with one in six adults in England and two percent of teenagers now being prescribed an antidepressant in a given year.””

“Our view is that patients should not be told that depression is caused by low serotonin or by a chemical imbalance, and they should not be led to believe that antidepressants work by targeting these unproven abnormalities,” Moncrieff noted.

Learn more here.

So what is the cause of depression? Well, I am sure it is complex. Physical factors might be involved, but I think the one major reason is EVIL SPIRITS taking advantage of a crisis in a person’s life to invade them and somehow rewire their neural connections and thoughts in a destructive loop.

People need at least 3 things:

To be delivered from spiritual oppression. The Bible talks about putting on the garment of praise instead of the spirit of heaviness.

To be trained in thinking on what is good, noble, praiseworthy etc and to let their minds dwell on these things. This would not be easy but with delieverance from spirits mentioned above it is possible.

To receive love. Feeling unloved is very hard. If people cannot find love in their own families, that can be a cause of depression. If people can’t find love in what claims to be the Church of the Living God, that is tragic. But One Person will never let us down – and that is the Lord Jesus Christ who loved us and gave His life for us because of that love and our need of salvation. Jesus Christ reveals the love of God the Father in heaven.

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