Billy Graham’s Apostasy – More Evidence

In an article from Worldnetdaily by Tom Flannery we read the following:

In a profile of Graham in the current issue of Newsweek, managing editor Jon Meacham asks the 87-year-old evangelist whether those who belong to religions that reject Christ as savior (Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.) and secularists will be saved.

“Those are decisions only the Lord will make,” Graham replied. “It would be foolish for me to speculate on who will be there [in heaven] and who won’t. … I don’t want to speculate about that.”

It seems that Billy Graham no longer believes that it is necessary for people to believe the gospel in order to be saved.

According to the World Net Daily article,

In the Newsweek profile, Graham explains his new thinking thus: “I believe the love of God is absolute. He said He gave His Son for the whole world, and I think He loves everybody regardless of what label they have.”

This sounds great, and of course God does love everybody, but it doesn’t mean that He will let everyone into heaven. The Bible says in John 3:16 that God gave his Son, “that whosoever believes should not perish but have everlasting life”. It wasn’t so that whosoever disbelieves should not perish but have everlasting life.

The promises of Salvation are not given to those who do not believe. In Mark’s gospel, chapter 16 verse 16 it is even clearer. “He who does not believe will be damned”.

There are warnings in the Bible about starting well but finishing badly. One example is that of King Uzziah. Another was King Asa. Both kings prospered greatly and had great victories while they sought the Lord. But both of them had a bad ending and died with horrible diseases under the Lord’s curse because of their sins. These warnings are relevant and up to date for us. We are getting too many examples of how even prominent ministers can fall – through sexual sin, greed or the love of the praise of men. Let us pray for one another and even for Billy Graham that he might repent of this compromise before it is too late.

See also:

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