Bill Wiese, a real estate agent testifies of the experience he had in hell out of his body. Jesus took him to hell and back so he could testify of what is there.
Bill is a realtor, a real estate agent. As such, he doesn’t need to sell religious materials to have a good income. Bill doesn’t sell his testimony as far as I can see. He encourages people to copy it, burn CDs with it and give it to their friends. If you are interested, some links for that are here. I always appreciate it when people do not try to make money out of the revelations they claim to have from the Lord.
Bill’s testimony points to a terrifying reality awaiting those who do not know the Savior. The fact that the youtube comments on the page are so hostile indicate to me how far gone many people are in the United States of America, how twisted and anti-Christ so many people have become.
This is the second part of the testimony.
This is the third part of the testimony, with his wife corroborating the story.