Benny Hinn says God Promises Unprecedented Prosperity for next 12 months

Benny Hinn has declared here in this email to supporters that the LORD God told him, “There will be a release of an anointing for the next 12 months that you have never seen before!” He writes: 

“The response continues to be overwhelming as many of our partners and
ministry friends lock into the promise of an unprecedented 12-month
release of anointing and abundance and begin to see God move actively in
their lives!”

Benny Hinn is saying that God has promised 12 months of UNPRECEDENTED ANOINTING AND ABUNDANCE.

He then goes on to talk about how God told him to give some money, and he decreed that this gift was going to release God’s miracle for him, and it happened. After giving a false and inaccurate teaching about Job He then appeals to you, dear reader, to do what he falsely claims the Bible teaches Job did so that you can cash in on your “unprecedented blessing” and presumably enjoy the “unprecedented anointed” for the next 12 months, mind you.


The idea behind all these kinds of messages of course is to extract money from his readers. We know that it takes money to spread the gospel. It also takes money to spread false teaching and false prophecy. The finer things of life also require money.


Now let’s be clear here. If the LORD did not in fact say these things to Benny Hinn, then Benny Hinn is a fraud. If Benny Hinn is just making this stuff up, then he is taking money from gullible people on false pretenses. If He is saying that God is making promises that God is NOT in fact making, then Benny Hinn is behaving as a greedy false prophet, who like Balaam, loves the wages of unrighteousness.


I’d personally be amazed if God really did speak to Benny Hinn these things, because Benny Hinn can’t even get a basic teaching straight. He probably knows his readers are too lazy to actually check out the Bible references he gives. Look at what Hinn says:


In the midst of Job’s greatest challenge, he did three things (Job 22):

1. He prayed.
2. He made a vow as an offering.
3. He decreed his outcome.


We know Job prayed. I can’t see any place where Job made a vow as an offering. And I can’t see any place where Job decreed what God was going to do for him in restoring his fortune doubly before it actually happened.


Job 22 is actually a discourse by one of Job’s Comforters, Eliphaz, who tells Job in the midst of his suffering that if he would only repent and do the right thing, then:

Job 22:27  You will make your prayer to Him, He will hear you, And you will pay your vows.
Job 22:28  You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.

Note this is what the false counselor Eliphaz says, who was later rebuked by God. Nowhere does it say that Job did these things.


Yet Benny Hinn teaches that you have to do what Job did. What he wants the passage to say is that you need to make a promise to God to give to Benny Hinn, and decree what miracle God is going to do for you as a result, and it will be so.

Christian witchcraft at its best!


Yes folks, step right up, step right up, just put it on the Plastic, and tell God what He has to do for you! Because God’s true servant, Benny Hinn, has been told by God that God will do whatever you decree if you only send Benny money! And remember, this time its different! Oh yes, its different this time. We are heading into an UNPRECEDENTED time of prosperity and anointing for those who believe in Benny. God Himself has said so! Oh yes, He has!


Note that Benny Hinn is saying that “unprecedented anointing” will come to you if you sow generously into his ministry.


If this is true, then the receiving of the anointing is depending on you giving Benny some more money. This sounds a lot like saying that the anointing is for sale, that God’s favor is for sale. This is similar to the kind of abuse by Rome in the selling of indulgences that prompted Martin Luther to spark the Reformation. It is also similar to what Todd Bentley was doing in offering the impartation of his marvellous anointing to those who would sow generously “into the anointing” – meaning of course, into Todd’s pocket.


Benny needs more money to repair his private jet, because his anointing would be damaged if he travelled with commoners in First Class. He needs money as a patron of the arts for the Vatican. Those $10,000 a night hotels can add up for a while. He needs money for that too!


But something is going wrong! He has a two million dollar shortfall. Oh no! He might have to sell his multi-million dollar mansion. No, no. There is a better way. Why sell the mansion when he can help YOU to get rich by giving to him? That sounds like a much better solution, doesn’t it?


Folks, much as we like the message about Jesus going into the world, it is also important that this task be done primarily by true and honest people, not by people who LIE in the name of the Lord and use false revelations and false teachings in order to move people to hand their money. Not to extravagant fakers who cannot even keep their marriage together, but hide years of marital separation from the public to protect the revenue streams of the ministry business.


Every dollar you give to Benny Hinn is a dollar that will not go to a genuine minister of the gospel who does not resort to fraudulent prophecy in order to get the job done. Part of every dollar that you DO give to Benny Hinn is a dollar that will go to the proclamation of false prophecy and things that bring shame on the name of Jesus Christ before the entire world.





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