Baptism in the Holy Spirit Testimony

On June 19th 2000 I was sitting and reading the bible only the words in red, I stood up and began to read the words with all the life in me, I then felt so refreshed, I then felt to go and to pray in my bedroom alone,I closed the door behind me and got down on my knees to be humble before God.

I prayed and ask God if he would give me the gift of tongues and the understanding of it, then I felt to stand up. I said Jesus I don’t know how to speak with tongues so I will praise you in English, so I began to praise him saying thank you Jesus praise you Jesus.

Then I felt him enter my room very strong, I’ve never felt any thing like this, Then I saw a ray of light before me coming to me at an angel going halfway up toward the ceiling, I felt a touch on my head and my English was changed to tongues it was like a wave went through me.and my voice rose up loud in these tongues , I felt like my spirit was crying out.and my ears couldn’t believe what my mouth was saying, I was thinking I just asked Jesus something and hes doing it right now!

I begain to cry and shake all over and I felt the very middle of my stomach jolt up, like as he picked up my inside. And as I began speaking these tongues this light not as are light , it was like a soft white cloud color it opened up on me about two feet wide,In the day light I saw this light,the bible says in his light we shall see light.and every good gift and perfect gift is given from the Father of lights.

I looked up to see where it was coming from and it was coming from the top of my ceiling where I knew no natural light could enter! And I was never the same again, I didnt like the same TV shows or the same radio I wanted what what was real! And God put an hunger in me for his word and I began to remember bible verses as never before, they just seem to come as I need them. I praise Jesus for his Holy spirit of promise, Jesus said that the promise of the holy spirit is a promise unto you and to your children and to those a far off and as many as the Lord shall call…………..Jesus always preached the Kingdom of God is at hand, he said that the kingdom of God is with in you Luke 17:21, Jesus said to seek first the Kingdom of God and what is right standing with him are body is the temple of the Holy Spirit! Be filled with the Spirit ! sing to him! praise him! read Psalms! rejoice in him! and learn to die daily to your flesh and began to walk in Gods spirit. But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit , that dwelleth in you.Romans 8:11 present your body as a living sacerfice holy and acceptable for this is your reasonable service.

Love in Christ Jesus,

His child forever I am……..Debbie lagant (USA TEXAS) God is still keeping promises! Jesus is lord! Love you all!

debbielagant [email protected]

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