Baptised in the Holy Spirit and Fire testimony

I love my church, I attend a pentecostal church, but the last few weeks, I’ve been hungry for more. Many times I’ve tried to speak in tongues, and could never do it, and it’s something I’ve always wanted to do.

Alot of powerful things have been going on at my auntys church the last few weeks, so I went last sunday 03/10/10, and the word was awesome, exactly what I was seeking, talking about laying down your burdens, taking a good look at what is really in your heart, the rivers of life that can flow through you, God’s promises.  When the altar call came, and the pastor annouced if anyone wants to be baptised with the holy spirit to come forward, i was standing behind other people, just closing my eyes, praying and singing.  I didn’t think anyone would see me, so I just focused on praying on people in front of me, and giving glory to god that I am in his presence.  All of a sudden someone took me by my right hand and walked me forward, yet my eyes were still closed, another came and took my left hand, and another came and layed hands on my forhead and said, don’t focus on the pastor, focus on God. Don’t hold back, open your mouth and speak to god what ever foreign language he has put in your mouth to speak.  They kept praying and speaking tongues around me, I did everything they were saying, opened my heart and just realeased myself to the lord, and when I started crying and speaking in tongues, I could not stop, I forgot the room was filled with people, I cried, I laughed uncontrollably, I talked and talked, and when I calmed down, I couldn’t get up, so I layed there for as long as the holy spirit wanted me to.  When I did get up, I felt tired, my legs felt unstable for a moment.  I didn’t understand a single word I was saying when I was speaking tongue, yet it made sense, it’s the best way I could explain it.  This great gift of tongue God has given….the Pastor was right, he said you will never be the same again…I was encouraged to continue to practice speaking in tongues, don’t lose it, it’s a great gift God has given to speak with him that only he will understand. Praise God, thankyou for an experience of a life time which has only made me crave even more.  Obediance is better than sacrafice.

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