Children’s church lessons, crafts and games on Eternity
I wrote this program for our children’s church yearly festival, for a full one day program. The lessons, crafts and games can be used individually though
I wrote this program for our children’s church yearly festival, for a full one day program. The lessons, crafts and games can be used individually though
The person who regards events in modern Israel as the direct fulfilment of Bible-prophecy, feels that another person who regards those prophecies as already-fulfilled, must
It’s important not to misuse an argument of Paul’s, which was an argument about a specific issue, as if it is an argument about a
I heard someone on TV saying yesterday that God promises seven blessings to people who will remember to give a Day of Atonement money-offering to
Deadly Disease, Costly Cure Ebola, enterovirus, HIV and other deadly diseases are emerging with more frequency in our world, and the world’s attention is drawn
Since no-one can currently get saved other than through faith, which is unseen, how can all Israel get saved after Christ’s Second Coming, which they
I was talking to Lisa today about Kingdom Kids at our church and how I would like her help and what I was thinking to
I’ve been having a Scripture on my heart for days: ‘Pursue love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts’ (1 Corinthians 14). I could not get away from
In my opinion, the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 probably wasn’t a direct fulfilment of any specific Bible-prophecy. And I’ll explain why
Some say Israel has never fully experienced the fulfilment of the land-promises made to the Patriarchs, and that the fulfilment of it is still required
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