Can a Christian lose his salvation?

Vast libraries have been written, and hundreds of sermons delivered to assure people who are living contrary to the revealed will of God that they no longer have anything to fear from God in terms of the possibility of judgment.

We have been "so well taught" that salvation is a gift that we have come to think that it is primarily an unconditional entrance into the Kingdom of God and an escape from the fiery judgments of hell.

Do we base this teaching on the BIBLE, or on the TRADITIONS OF MEN?

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The Parable of the Man on Fire – by Ps Britt Willliams

Imagine a man and his wife settling in for a nice, quiet, evening of entertainment at their comfortable home in suburban America.  After a sumptuous and gratifying meal, the couple moves to their living room to enjoy conversation before retiring to bed.  Suddenly, they hear a commotion in their front yard.  As they peer through the large framed window, they see a man completely engulfed in flames desperately running in circles on their lawn.  The scene is riveting and shocks the sensibilities of the couple: they can hear the man’s frantic cries, see the skin

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Casting Out Demons – Some Lessons from Mark 1:21-28

Jesus is our example. A big part of his ministry was in casting out demons. When the presence of the Lord is manifesting strongly enough, the demons in people start to stir up. Demons often have better knowledge and theology than those who are listening to the message, as we see from this passgae.

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Is Repentance Required for Salvation or is such teaching a form of Works Righteousness?

If a person claiming to be a Christian embraces an ungodly lifestyle and refuses to change his or her mind and forsake this lifestyle, and they die, will they go to heaven or hell?

What if that person firmly believes that because of the sacrifice of Jesus, their sins are covered by the blood and they are under the grace of God? What if they also say that they have at one time "received Jesus as Lord and Savior"? What if they call Jesus Lord when they pray and even say, "Jesus is Lord!" on various occasions.

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Falling Short of the Grace of God – Is this possible?

On a recent Facebook post of mine someone commented:

You said "While legally Christ has dealt with our sin once and for all, Christians often do fall short of the grace of God"… If it is Grace, how does a lack of righteousness cause me to fall short of it? Only trusting my righteousness can do that.

Allow me to refer to the Scriptures:

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“I Have my Own Religion” – an Australian excuse for refusing to hear the gospel

I just returned from the local park where I felt to go and give someone the message of the gospel. Honestly, your chances of getting the message through to a total stranger are in my view almost as good as getting it through to a close relative who is gospel resistant. Some people for YEARS won't can't manage to communicate the gospel with the latter. On the other hand, I've met many people who were quite willing to politely listen.

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Fallen Teachers become False Teachers – 2 Peter 2

We've been looking at some of the characteristics of False Teachers in recent studies. This evening I'd like to point out something the Bible says about them which should cause us all to take heed, especially if any of us are in any sense Bible teachers or teachers of the people of God.

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Beware of date setting and casting lots

Recently I drew attention to the prophecy of Dr David Uwuor concerning an impending tsunami and earthquake to hit the east coast and north west of Australia respectively. I made it clear that Dr Uwuor did not set a date, however, there were other people who had received various messages and confirmations that there would be earthquakes and tsunamis around the coasts bordering the Pacific ocean on September 3 (USA time).

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