T.D. Jakes approves Yoga for Christians

I was amazed to read this article by T.D. Jakes in the Washington Post.

It seems that for T.D. Jakes, yoga can be divorced from its Hindu roots, and the good bishop has a better definition for yoga than that which the Websters dictionary offers.

There is a difference between Christian meditation and yoga. In Christian meditation, you actively consider the Word of God.

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Today millions of intelligent people believe in the idea of reincarnation.
This is the idea that after death the soul or life-force will eventually
find its way into another body. There are many different and contradictory
theories concerning how reincarnation works. One thing is sure however.
If reincarnation is true, then death is not final. It is only the gateway
to a new existence. Death, then, is therefore also relatively safe. There
is no need to fear hell-fire or eternal judgment.

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Irrationality and the Eastern Mindset

“Do not go by reasoning, nor by inferring, nor by argument”
the Buddha.

When you do not understand, then you will know“. – Zen student

“Mind always protects what is false. Mind is a black light
– Guru Maharaji Ji

He who knows, doesn’t speak; he who speaks, doesn’t know” –

To the law and the testimony!

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Does the East have the Answers?

“Do not go by reasoning, nor by inferring, nor by argument”
the Buddha.

When you do not understand, then you will know“. – Zen student

“Mind always protects what is false. Mind is a black light
– Guru Maharaji Ji

He who knows, doesn’t speak; he who speaks, doesn’t know” –

To the law and the testimony!

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Does Astrology Give us the Answers we Need?

Down through the years there have always been people firmly convinced that our lives on earth are mysteriously influenced by the celestial bodies – the moon, the planets and the stars. It has been estimated that up to 1 billion people on earth today “believe in or follow astrology to some extent”. Many of the rich and famous of this world consult astrologers, convinced that the knowledge they gain will help them be successful in life.

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