Angie Witbeck – out of occult

Find out how a normal non-believer stumbled and fell into a dark place and was saved from death by our lord Jesus Christ.

Lord please help me to find the words

lord bless me as I write

please listen to me please lord help me to reach someone

please don’t let me die. I was so sure that I would. Maybe I would just end up in a psych ward. But nevertheless life as I new it was over. Nobody believed me. Everyone was convinced that I had lost my mind. I was very close to suicide. My husband had to take a gun out of my hands on two separate occasions. I have no recollection of these things.

lord help me to write this book. I have never written a book before. Actually I have never done anything that some would consider to be a success with my life. I have been a stay-at-home mom for about 18 years now. I have not worked for 20 years.

help me to find the words . I definitely do not want to scare people. After people have called you schizophrenic. Taking you to doctors and giving you that pathetic look, you tend to clam up and quit telling people what you know. In fact, I was afraid they would kill me if I did. Since I have grown spiritually I now know that OBEDIENCE to the Lord is the most important thing in the world. So I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead me to writing and saying the things that need to be said and the hope that people will listen and hear me out before jumping to judgment.

lord bless me as I write. Because of the things I have experienced, as with any traumatic experience, you tend to re-live your experience as you write. Although I feel confident in Gods love for me reliving an experience can open doors to the emotions that you would just rather forget!! I put on the Armor of God as I write that I will not be harmed.

please listen to me. I am not crazy. But I have to tell you that there were several times that I was not sure if perhaps I did have some kind of chemical imbalance. In fact I went so far as to have a heart to heart with my husband about it. I told him that if he wanted to BAIL out of our marriage that I would totally understand. That if he could to please take care of my son if I got locked up in a padded room etc…The two people that I loved most and that knew me most are my son and my husband. My son believed me after awhile when he began to have experiences. My husband had the hardest time of it all as he believed…then he didn’t….then he did….then he got angry with me… all over the place..

please lord help me to reach someone. I feel that through my experiences you will come to also believe that I am under Obligation to God to share this with whoever will listen so that it might help at least one person. God saved my life…no doubt…

This was the story I sent to GHOST VILLAGE when I was so oppressed and was looking for people to help me deal with a haunting…

Angie Witbeck, Douglasville, Georgia, March 6, 2002
[email protected]

I fooled around with some voodoo not thinking that it was real and two years later something happened. For three nights I was visited by what I thought was a young girl in need of help. The first night wild hallucinations (regular faces turning into creatures…a guy hanging himself from a chandelier, sexually explicit acts, etc.); the second night, motion picture of the girl’s ordeal of partying with two gay men who raped and beat her to death — no sound, but color — motion picture style; the third night she manifests with another little girl and points to the ceiling to reveal a “”slide show”” of family photos.

She never spoke except what I believe I heard coming from my husband’s snore — “”mama”” — yes, my husband was in a deep sleep all three nights while I was talking aloud. I was so tired from being up for three night that I began to hear voices in my head and I realized that there was more than one “”presence”” in the house. We set up a video camera and went to the hotel.

I was completely freaked out when I realized that in my dreams the presence was still with me. Still, there was no sound but each one introduced themselves. When the one girl told me “”I hate you *censored*!”” They allowed me to sleep maybe three hours that evening with frequent interruptions of singing through the air vents at the motel “”go back to sleep… sleep… go back to sleep… sleep. They said they knew about the video camera and that I was going to get the investigators.

When I returned home I had my husband sleep on one side and my son on the other. Since I had been up for four days now with only three hrs sleep I was catching a cold and was having coughing fits. I was mocked… it was 12 AM and I told my son to drive me to my grandmother’s house and that I didn’t know why, but I knew that if I stayed something bad was going to happen to me. My husband said that just 20 minutes after we left he had to get up to see about a loud crash he heard in the kitchen. He said it turned out to be nothing and he slept that night.

During the 40 minute drive to my grandmother’s house I felt like something was in the back seat and the whole way I kept saying the Lord’s Prayer. After the first 15 minutes the feeling was gone.

My grandmother is a southern Baptist, nothing bothered me there but I was a mess and my whole family rallied to get me help. I went to three doctors who all found nothing physically wrong with me — I ended up with Remeron sleeping pills. After a week my grandmother said that I needed to go home.

A Catholic priest blessed our house but I was still afraid and always felt a presence. My father and his wife visited a week after that and stayed in our room. She is Catholic and she also heard a person walk down the hallway and stand at the bedroom door several times that evening but she said her Rosary and it stopped.

Around 1 AM that same evening downstairs where my husband, my son and I slept — my son and I both had dreams. In my son’s dream a dark shadow was walking down our stairs carrying a wine bottle. In my dream someone unearthed the voodoo doll that I buried two years ago by the pond I have in my back yard.

That day my father and his wife were putting a puzzle together in our living room so I decided to go on the computer to check E-mail. I began to answer someone on the message board at some paranormal site and there was a loud thump on the wall behind the computer and then a force. I was resting my leg up on the table and it was as if something was pushing the whole table against my leg. I checked with everyone in the house and everyone thought somebody dropped something heavy or something. I went out to the deck later to smoke and my dog was sniffing the chair directly across from me and then cowered away — that was the week of April 8th. Since then I pray, I pray, and I pray. I keep a white candle burning the whole time I am at home and I have crosses in every room. I don’t stay home unless someone else is here. I don’t work so I just drive around — basically I have no life. And our house is now up for sale.

I’ve done everything the paranormal Web site said — brooms, hazelnuts, dirt to cemetery… everything. Things are getting better but I know it is still here. There are still rapping’s here and there, my computer acts up, the dog acts funny, and just last night I had more sex dreams.

What am I dealing with? How do I undo what I have done? Do they want me or have I just opened up a portal here at this house? Will moving help? Please help me. My husband and son do not get it, and this subject sometimes causes arguments. My husband who supposedly loves be sometimes gets cruel with his teasing me about the “”boogeyman””. This hurts me because he just does not get it. I guess nobody does, but that dark side is frightening — I don’t want any part of it and I never want to go there. I just want my life back. My mother says I need to do whatever is best for me even if it means leaving my family and moving out on my own. That seems to be my only alternative now.

As you can clearly see I was just making things worse by using Pagan “ fixes “ I had NO clue…

What happened next was an attack so bad that I left the state and refused to come back until my husband sold the house and got another one. I went to Michigan for 6 weeks to my mothers house. When I came back the new house was just 6 miles away . I thought it was over but it was not long before I started drinking a lot out of nervousness and I began to have the same interruptions at night…ALWAYS 3 am. It continued for about a month or so…again I tried to not be alone and since school had started back I was back to going to anyone’s house that would have me. The “ breather” (that’s what I called him) followed me to my grandmothers house…I was at the end of my rope. On August 12th at 5 am I was watching TBN and I said the prayer for about the 100th time…but this time I really meant it . I was about to commit suicide. Suddenly there was a peace in the room that I had never felt before. Jesus was there and the demons had gone. Until 3 days later….Something came in at 3am again and had taken my spirit out to the woods behind my house. It was like in black and white with no sound. The wind was whipping so hard that my hair was hitting and stinging my face. I slumped down at the base of a tree and balled my eyes out. In a second I was back in my bed. I got up and thought about it. I know now that God and Satan were fighting. I have never been taken in spirit since that time. I have been awakened at 3am since then several times but I just get my Bible and read a little while. The other house is being leased for a year. They are beginning to experience things now after 9 months. I know that they are Christians too and as a Christian I had to tell them the whole truth. They do believe…I continue to stay in the Word of God. I try to live a Christian life as perfectly as possible. I thank God everyday for saving my life. I would like to say that it is completely over…but all I can truthfully say is that my soul is safe and I will not fear anything that comes against my physical body anymore. My spirit and soul are safe. I am a child of God and Jesus IS my savior.

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