Angie Whisman – out of witchcraft

Angie Whisman put herself under witchcraft. But she says that if we accept Jesus in our lives we can never go back to those bad activities again. She is a living example for this …

I am 36 years old and because of the miracle working power of Jesus Christ I am saved, santicified and filled with the Holy Ghost. You see I grew up in a Catholic home and continued in such until I was 20 years old, when I became a nun after which time I left the church and became an atheist. After a period of time I met a man and went to his church as it turned out it was a cult and yes they can quote Bible scriptures but than they twist them to fit thier agenda. This continued for over a year before I was able to get out. All through my life I had been into witchcraft, I thought it was a gift. I was able to talk to the dead , do seances, palm reading , tarot card readings and many other things that are associated with this. I than moved away to a place where I knew only one person. I took a job and began working with a christain woman who drove me nuts at work she read her Bible and watched Christian TV , she would always ask for me to go to church with her and believe me I wanted nothing to do with it. Finally I went thinking she would leave me alone! But when I went I was terrified it made me physically sick every time I stepped foot in the church and I sure did not trust the preacher. But i kept going and the Pastor had what I now know as the annointing on him, many gifts operated in this church and I was set free and saved. No the devil did not like it and has attacked me in sickness intending death to occur but Praise and Glory goes to Jesus Christ who raised me up and again made the devil out a liar!!!

You see the devil can turn the truth into a lie and a lie into the truth. If you are into santanism and witchcraft and think you cant get out I am a living testimony to what God can do, satan does not care about you when he is done using you he will kill you. Christ died just for you and if you were the only one left he would have still died to set you free.

He is standing at the door and knocking willing and able to set you free accept him today.

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