i was raised in a Christian home. Wonderful parents. When my marriage broke up, I stared hanging with a friend from high school. She had recently been divorced and said she had ways to ease the pain(.Actually that only added to it.) So…… I started going to the Bobby Magees, smugglers, restaurants with bars. If it had just been a bar I proubly would not of gone. but the enemy knows how to work. My friend said if you are offered a drink take it, it will help. So I did, I drank a lot.Of course that led to other things. I had another friend who was into diet pills. Back in the day you could get those quite easily from a DR.No proublem. I also had to small children at the time. Thank God,He took care of them, I wasn’t. When we could no longer get the diet pills, that is when speed came into the picture. I said no thanks, but when it was explained to me that it was just diet pills not in pill form yet, my brain seemed to think that was ok. So……for the next 12 years I was sucked into that scene. 12 years my kids lived a life they did not choose. My parents came down for my birthday one year, they lived in northern Cal, I lived in SoCal. My dad said he had heard of a church he would like to take me to. So I went. I stayed through both services, crying the whole time. God re birthed me on the exact same day as my first. March 10 is a very special day for me. Over the next 6 months, God loved on me, so very sweet. A friend came by one day the beginning of September, around the 6th. My daughters birthday. He gave me a line of speed. i took it, but afterwards a wondered why, it did nothing for me. I NEVER did another. God had completely taken the desire away. I decided to test myself, put myself where others were doing lines, made lines for them. Nothing, I felt nothing except JOY in the LORD. My children and I moved out of where we were at, and God has lead us ever sense. There is so much more to this story, amazing stuff. My kids are grown now, have children of their own. They are in the Lord, raising their children to be warriors for Christ. All I can do is PRAISE HIM !!!!!