Action Plan for Disciples

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. ” (James 1:22 NKJV)

Hearing, studying, reading is not enough. We need to put things into action, and learn by doing. Yes, there is something to do in following Jesus. So here is the outline of a proposed action plan which you may use or adapt to your situation. Some elements of this action plan might happen in a different order, or multiple times. That is fine.

This is a very full on plan. We need to be very flexible. A person may not be ready for all of this truth at once (they won’t be). It might 6 months to learn these things. Probably the step 14 needs to be put a lot earlier in the program. People can learn to introduce others to the Lord before they learn many of the other things, or develop godly habits like daily Bible reading. So everyone’s journey will be different, but should eventually include all the things below.

  1. Hear and really listen to the gospel message. Here is a short presentation.
  2. Call out to Jesus and start seeking Him with all you’ve got. 
  3. Forgive all who have hurt you, and ask to be filled with God’s love
  4. Learn about and believe in the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus.
  5. Get baptized in water as a sign your old life is finished, you are dedicated to Jesus Christ.
  6. Get filled with the Holy Spirit, make speaking in tongues and praise a part of your daily life.
  7. Fill your mind with the Word of God through meditation – especially the words of Jesus in the gospels.
  8. Cast demons out of yourself or away from you as wrong mental patterns are exposed or demons interfere. Learn more.
  9.  Find a local church or a house church where Jesus is really moving, go there and love people there.
  10. Build a habit of daily Bible reading/study and prayer.
  11. Learn to wait on God and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit – and do what He shows you.
  12. Cultivate a heart of thanksgiving towards the Heavenly Father throughout all events of your day.
  13. Start to pray for people you know and love that Jesus might become real to them and they will be saved.
  14. Tell someone the message of the gospel at least once a week. Challenge them to turn to the Lord.
  15. Fast and pray to get fine tuned and further empowered by the Lord.
  16. Pray for divine appointments daily and be INTENTIONAL about sharing the gospel and God’s power.
  17. Expect miracles when you lay hands on the sick on behalf of Jesus, especially with unbelievers.
  18. Find prayer partners and witnessing partners to work with.
  19. Start a Christian meeting in someone’s home or your own with the purpose of reaching out.
  20. Ask God where to give money to meet urgent Kingdom needs and do it.
  21. Teach others to follow the above steps.

Subject to my time and availability, I would like to help anyone serious in implementing any of these steps. Write me on 

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