Accepting that we are not wiser than God

Whenever a person rebels against authority, whether it be against a human government, against parents, against church leaders, or against God, it is always done for a reason.

For example, 200+ years ago the American people rebelled against the British colonial government. This government was seen as tyrannical and unfair. The strong conviction that this was so led men to break ties with Britain and form the United States of America.

It is not my purpose to discuss whether this was a good thing or not, merely to state that people come against established authorities because they believe that these authorities are unjust or unwise.

Teenagers sometimes rebel against their parents because they want to go beyond the limits their parents have prescribed. In so doing they are saying that they know better than their parents what is good for them.

People who rebel against church leaders do so because they believe that the church leadership is very wrong. They may believe that the church leadership will not listen to God.

But what about when people rebel against God’s Word? Is it not also done because people believe that GOD is unjust, or that THEY are somehow wiser than God?

Think about the commandments of God you have not kept. Why did you not keep them? Isn’t it because you believed, at some point, that you knew a better way than to obey GOD’S Word?

Satan got Eve to disobey God by implying that God was not all good, that God was holding out from her. Satan implied that God wanted to keep the best things away from Eve. Having done that, and created doubts about the character of God, it was easier to persuade Eve that God was also lying about the consequences of eating the forbidden fruit.

We have to learn to see through this kind of deception.

We have to realize that God IS good. The limits HE puts on things are for OUR protection.

The testimonies on this site generally reveal that as people made the common mistakes of disobeying God’s principles, either through ignorance or active rebellion, their lives were messed up and a lot of suffering ensued.

If this is the case, doesn’t it support the conclusion that God’s LIMITS are for OUR protection? For example, God puts limits on our sexual expression and thought lives. Is it because he wants to spoil our fun? OR, is it because going beyond those limits will prove DESTRUCTIVE to us in the long term? I am convinced that God knows what He is doing and saying when it comes to sex also. After all, God created sex.

The same applies to our efforts to serve the Lord. Does God want us to do what WE want to serve Him or does He want to lead us by the hand and do things WITH us? Those who know God will acknowledge that it is the latter of the two.

But sometimes we are cranky with God and we want to serve Him from a distance. We are like the Israelites in the wilderness at times like this. Only a few of the people ever really sought after God – people like Joshua, and Moses. The majority spent their time grumbling and complaining.

Even now, no matter what has happened to you until now, God has a plan for your life. God is GOOD and does want to lead you out of your messes into HIS GOOD, PLEASING and PERFECT will (Romans 12:2).

Can you trust God? Or does your heart still tell you that your way is better than God’s way? Are you really WISER than God? Or better?

May God help us to really ponder this and accept by faith, if not by reason, that God is wiser than us. God is also more just than us. We need to believe that, or we will end up in the Enemy’s camp soon enough.

God’s plan is that we be filled with the Holy Spirit. Do you have a better plan for your life? Are your priorities in line with God’s on this point? Do you believe that the education of your mind or the power of your finances is more important than this? If your actions show this to be the case, again, you need to ACCEPT that God is wiser than you.

Accept that it IS important to take the time to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

“But I have too much to do!”

You and I will only do what really FULLY pleases God when we are filled with His Spirit.

How long will that take to get filled?

I don’t know. Some people can enter in straight away. Others might take months of intense seeking,

Whatever it is, let us accept in this matter also that GOD IS WISER than us.

We really NEED HIS PRESENCE to be what we are supposed to be. We also need His Word in our hearts and in our mouths. And we need to learn to yield to His leadings and keep our focus on His priorities.

May God help us to accept it. Amen.

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