According to this woman, introduced only as "C.J." only those who make a true 100% commitment to Jesus Christ will enter heaven. All others will go to hell. For years she tried to meet God by raising the hand, praying the prayer after the preacher, but while idols remained in her heart, God was not willing to come.
Have a listen to this message. Listen to how she met Jesus face to face, and the way Jesus dealt with her. Not everyone is going to believe this story, but you have to ask yourself if this lady is doing this for fame, money or recognition. So many of the stories people relate of seeing clearly into the spiritual world carry this same concept of consecration and the need for true repentance and surrender to the will of God if we are to enter life. It lines up with Matthew 7:21, so we do well to consider it.
At the end of this message, Nathan Leal, the interviewer, asks her concerning the various prophecies of coming judgment on America. She believes the Lord has also revealed to her that these horrific judgments are surely coming, and that we must seek God earnestly if we wish to escape.