A Royal Heart

                    A Royal Heart

We are a chosen generation with Royal hearts, called to live our lives like the astonished Isaiah „ a man who has seen the king in His beauty”.

When you see the „beauty of the King” that reality will change you forever and out of that reality you will live for Him and for His porposes, desiring His Kingdom to came down.

we are a chosen generation, a Royal Preisthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may Proclame the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” 1peter2:9

When this attitude is in us, we are blessed because we reflect the mercy of God to those around us, we reflect God’s love by being merciful to others. The mercy of God motivates us to live differently – as kings and daughters- seeing life from God’s perspective.

A Royal heart it’s a heart full of God’s Grace. When our heart abounds in grace we will live more in the Spirit Realm than in the flesh mentality. A Royal heart it’s a heart that has crucified his flesh with it’s passions and desires.

And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” gal5:24

That’s the only way we can enter the Kingdom and out of this reality we will Reign in life through Him, that died and resurrected.

A Royal heart won’t look for rules to apply but for opportunites to serve the king’s porposes. A Royal heart has a sacrificial mentality, loving what’s unloveable, giving without expecting to receive something in return, following the master’s voice in all the circumstances of life.

And all these because „ I have been crucified with Christ and its No longer I who live but Christ who lives within me…”gal 2:20

A Royal heart is Not looking for self- promoting but for a way to bring down heaven, manifesting Kingdom principales, having a freshness, joyfulness and thankfulness attitude all the time.

The Christian life its extremely simple, we complicate everything because Jesus said „ my joke its easy and my burden its Light” (mat 11:29,30) all we have to do is to surrender all to Him and to take His joke because its easy.

Jesus came for us to have abundand Life (john 10:10) and not to give us some rules to follow but an example as Jesus did „ I say the things which I have seen in my Father’s house…” John 8:38

Remember „ to the one who conqures I will grant to eat of the tree of Life which is in the Paradise of God” rev2:7

Only the ones that conqures the flesh mentality and the world’s value system will eat from the tree of Life which is in the kingdom, in the Spirit realm.

We are ambassadors of heaven, having a short mandate here on earth….so, act like one of them, let the Spirit of God take control and TRUST Him.

Is there anything more beautiful than a Royal heart?

much love, Dana (danav91 @gmail.com)

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