A Personal Challenge for You

The people of the world can be divided into two groups. The first group are those who can clearly point to the intervention of Jesus Christ in their lives and are now trusting in Him. The other group is those who don’t yet know Jesus, or don’t trust Him. Because Jesus is alive and rose from the dead, He is worthy of our attention. Because He is faithful and full of love, He deserves our trust.

None of us can make ourselves good enough for God. We have all broken God’s law and we all need a Savior. So, if you are in this latter group PLEASE don’t let another hour go past before you get right with God. Receive His love and put your trust in His blood sacrifice. Here is a summary of the gospel message that can lead to salvation. God is looking for your response

For Believers

If you have a testimony of Christ’s working in your life, God wants you to share it and so give glory to God. Read about the power of your testimony. You can overcome Satan by the Word of your testimony, and help others to find faith in Christ.

Are you called to be a witness for Christ? If so, start writing your testimony as soon as you can, and THEN, email it to us at testimonies @ christian-faith.com. In this way you are helping to fulfil the Great Commission. Some testimonies on this site are reaching 10 or even 20 people per day. Our team wishes to help people share their testimonies through the internet. Let us together bring hope to those who don’t know the reality of our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ.


I invite you to build a faith community together with me. Join my social media channels and let’s connect, especially if you want freedom or fullness in Christ.

My Telegram has a ministry channel. On Tiktok I have many videos and new ones regularly.

About Us

Michael FackerellHi my name is Michael Fackerell, founder of this site. It is created to help you know Jesus and get a great eternal reward from God Almighty. Learn More

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