A Hindu Girl finds True Salvation from Sin in Jesus Christ

Dear Brother David,

Greetings from Calcutta .

My name is Shobana. My father is a drunkard, my mother, poor and
humble. My parents have got two daughters only, me and my sister. I
am aged 17. I am studying in the Science group of the +2 class of the
Hindu Higher Secondary School, Calcutta (West). My younger sister is
studying in standard 10th of the same school.

Our whole family believes in Hinduism. My father is an auto-rickshaw
driver, though a drunkard. As he spends all his income for liquor, he
neither helps mother nor supports us in our education. Therefore, to
educate us and to maintain house hold, my mother has to do hard sundry
work- she goes about door to door cleaning vessels and washing clothes.

On holidays, I used to go with my mother to rich families to help her
in her work. On such goings, a Youngman of a rich family snared me
saying that he was in love with me. Promising to marry me, he ruined
my virginity. With the thought of alleviating poverty, I succumbed myself
to all his desires. He was an addict of the dangerous drug cochine.
Several occasions he gave me too the injection of the drug and made me
float in intoxication. As a result, I became a slave to the drug.

I could not but inject the drug in to my body remain alive. I felt
committing suicide. Days went on.

In the meantime, he began love-affairs with a rich woman and completely
cut off all his relations with me. I wept bitterly, to forget it, I favored drugs.
My mother being poor, I could not purchase drugs. But I
could not live without drugs. Therefore I went out to commit suicide
by laying my head on the railway track. My mother comes to know all
about me with all my problems. She got my letter, which I left at home,
mentioning my final plan. Knowing it, my mother and sister searched for me in vain.
They sighed and sobbed, and drenched in tears being severely
grief-stricken. With broken hearts mother prayed, “If there is a
living God, Shobana should be saved.”

It was on a Sunday morning 10 ‘o’ clock I had laid my head on the rail
and was waiting for the Bombay-Calcutta, Howrah Express Train to run
over me. Under the rainy clouds, under the rails, I spied a tract of 4
pages in white paper entitled “Deliverance” .In the same posture, I
read its first page “Jesus delivers every sinner from all sinful evil
habits”. This instilled the hope in my heart that this Jesus Christ
would deliver me and save me. With the paper in hand, I came out of the rail
way track. Within seconds the train went by.

In a forlorn condition, I read the tract soberly again and again.
Having acknowledged the Saving Power of Jesus Christ as I read the
prayer, in ten lines. At the end of the tract, I cried aloud, wept bitterly and
I was saved. Instantly, a perfect peace reigned my heart.

I went ahead to end my life since our faith in Hinduism never said that
there was salvation for a wretched sinner like me. Jesus delivers! All
my thanks due to Him. HE is the Living God!

By the tract ‘Deliverance’ by India Bible Mission, Christ entered into
my heart and saved me. The joy Jesus gave my heart knew no bounds.

I went home and told my mother about the tidings of my salvation. My
mother burst into joyful tears and uttered that the real living God had
heard her prayers and answered it; “if there is a living God, my
daughter Shobana should be saved”.

Through a printed paper, I was saved. Further, the whole family
happily accepted Jesus Christ as the living God and Savior. They
committed their lives unto Him.

I prayed for my father for his salvation. Wonderful! Within a couple
of days, Lord Jesus delivered my father from drunkenness and saved him.
As a whole family we worship Jesus with this one tract of
‘Deliverance’. Jesus is giving daily boundless joy to our family.

As mentioned in the tract, please send us a bible and an application
form for Basic Bible Course. Dear Brother David, as a mark of having
received Jesus Christ as our Savior, me and the members of my family
are prepared to take baptism and do all for Jesus.

There are very many youths in Calcutta, like me, destroying their lives
in sinful acts not having heard, at least once, the love and delivering
power of Savior Jesus Christ. To declare this Jesus to them, please
send tracts in thousands.

It possible, enroll us in your India Bible mission and use us as an
instrument to serve the Lord.

Expecting ‘Bible’ and ‘Basic Bible Course-form’ awaiting the tracts
also. We pray for your Christian work.

Thank you very much,

Loving Sister,


Calcutta West Bengal

Jan.30, 2002.

Translated from Bengali language

Contact India Bible mission for more info
E-mails: [email protected]
[email protected]

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