A few sample testimonies from Evangelist P.S. Rambabu

[Note from Michael. These are just a small sampling of the kind of miracles that always seem to be happing in Brother Rambabu’s meetings. I have been in some of his meetings near Mumbai and this stuff is just normal. It is a testimony to what can happen through a man who is dedicated to staying in the presence of God.]

A couple, in UK had no children for more than seven years and the doctors had given up hopes. But Bro. Rambabu prophesied by the Holy Spirit that they would have a baby within a year. So by May 2002 the Lord blessed the couple with a beautiful baby boy. Glory be to God.

Atul Mehta could not walk since 10 years without the help of crutches due to a problem in the spinal cord. The Lord healed him in one of our crusades and now he is able to walk without the crutches.

Two-year old Jaswinder was born with a twisted right leg. The leg was in a cast and the Lord healed her in one of our crusades. The leg straightened out and she starting walking.

Bridget Muller from Switzerland had a problem in her heart and she was operated in the year 1967. Due to surgical negligence her arm and limb on the left side stopped growing. The Lord powerfully touched and healed her. She began to see changes in the left side of her body. Her bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles and toes slowly began to grow and finally the left and the right side of her body were symmetric. Praise God for the creative miracle.

A little girl by name Bethny was suffering from arthritis for the past 10 years. She was in pain. She could not do anything on her own, she could not eat, could not walk even a short distance and was confined to her home unlike other little girls of her age. The Lord healed her by his healing virtue and she was healed. She had grown tall and looked healthy. Praise be to the Lord who heals us.

Jacqueline Kay of Eastbourne, had been diagnosed of malignant mesothelioma, which is a non curable cancer caused by asbestos. The cancer was all over the peritoneum, which is the lining that goes around all the organs in the stomach. We had been told that the cancer had progressed rapidly and that there wasn’t a cure her condition.

Even getting her to Brighton was difficult as she was unwell having just been though surgery. But this did not stop her returning to the second evening’s meeting in hope that God would answer her prayer. One of the symptoms of the disease (ascites) meant that she had a huge amount of fluid in her abdomen causing her to look nine months pregnant. She was on high dosages of painkillers and sleeping tablets.
After the healing prayer, the biopsy revealed to the utter amazement of everyone that the cancer had completely disappeared. Her health and strength gradually returned and some months later she was discharged from the cancer hospital.

Vilas Shankar was a dwarf and was a beggar. He had a protruding chest, a hunch, and a short stiff neck and was unable to walk. God touched him during a mass healing prayer in Daund gospel meetings. The protrusion in the chest reduced, his hunch disappeared, his neck increased in length whereby he could easily turn his head around and also he considerably grew in height. Is anything too hard for the Lord?

Dare to Win!

From “Dare to Win” by Evangelist P.S. Rambabu. Reproduced here by permission of the author.

Visit Rambabu’s website http://www.newcreationministries.org

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