A Prophetic Dream

I had started going to an early morning prayer meeting, and last night while I was dreaming, the alarm woke me up. In my half woken state, while in the bathroom, the dream I was having continued.

I cannot now remember all the details of the dream. But I know that it was set for me to have a conflict with an evil werewolf, a creature of the night. This was to happen on a particular day. The werewolf had someone working with it, and I was to be helped by one man of God. However, in the dream, I got a phone call, that this man of God was delayed and only just got to the airport, so he wouldn’t be able to help me.

In the dream the conflict had to happen in the day. I was ambushed by the evil wolf. That is around the time I woke up. However, the words kept coming to me, “Praise the Son! Praise the Son!”. It was like it was a play on words, referring to the physical sun also. It was the effects of the sun that would weaken the power of the evil creature of the night so I could get the victory.

It was as if the Lord was saying – when you seem ambushed by the evil powers of darkness, praise the Lord Jesus, and in time they will weaken their grip on you.

Remembering the man at the airport, it was like God had sent someone to help, but for whatever reason – perhaps their own disobedience or mistakes – they were not able to help on time. At times when we are DISAPPOINTED WITH MAN and assaulted by the enemy we must remember that these evil powers cannot stand the light of the truth of Jesus. So we have to confront them with the light of the truth of Jesus – through DELIBERATE PRAISE OF THE LORD – and this will gain us victory as the powers of darkness must release their grip.

So when we are let down by men, it is not as if God doesn’t care – we should not yield to the temptation to complain – instead we should praise God. God has sent the blessings we need for the work of God by the hands of others – but THOSE PEOPLE sometimes are not faithful to obey God. It is like head office has approved a loan but the local officer won’t sign the cheque. We seem left alone to struggle with the devil ourselves, but if WE PRAISE GOD instead of complaining, Satan will lose his power over us and we will go free.

Michael Fackerell

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