How to Come to God

Come to God and He will give you restGod is really good. He does good every day. He keeps doing good. More than you or I can imagine. More than we deserve. But He is so good that He can’t leave evil unjudged forever – even the evil we all invite in whenever we disobey God’s Word. God is also powerful.  And He is Holy. Judgment is coming, but this is a season for mercy, and there is a way for God’s love to be received. Don’t waste it.

You cannot come to God any old way.

You cannot come to the Father except through Jesus. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by Me.” (John 14:6)

You cannot even come to Jesus whenever you want, or however you want. In fact, Jesus said, “No one can come to Me unless the Father draws Him.” (John 6:44).

So if God seems to be drawing you, don’t put off coming to God another day. No one is promised a tomorrow. You can only come when the Father is drawing you.

Perhaps the reason you are visiting this page is because the Father IS drawing you right now.

The Bible says, “Whoever comes to God must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). It says we cannot please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6).

The Bible also says that “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6).

As well as faith, you need humility in order to get God’s favor. You need some God given understanding of Who He is, and who you are.

“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word (message) of God.” (Romans 10:17)

If you are going to endure to the end in faith (Matthew 24:13)  and receive salvation for your soul, you will need to keep hearing the Word of God in one form or another for the rest of your life.

Paul wrote:

“By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.”  (1 Corinthians 15:2)

The core message of the gospel is that Jesus Christ is the promised Savior of the world, who by dying on the cross took the sin, the guilt and the curse on sinners ONTO Himself – in order to free us. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead three days later proves that Jesus is this Savior, is the Son of God and that His death really did this for us. His death is the fulfillment of so many prophecies given to the people of Israel beforehand – see Isaiah 53, Psalm 22 for example. The whole system of animal sacrifices in the Old Covenant was designed to point to Jesus, the perfect sacrifice for sins. Believe wholeheartedly in Jesus (or Yeshua if you like the original Hebrew name – basically Joshua). Believe in Jesus with all your heart, come to Him and you will enter God’s Kingdom. Your sins will be forgiven and you will be fully accepted – even while you are still on the journey of transformation.

There are a number of gospel presentations on this site. For example, What is the Point of Life? Please read this if you have not done so already. Do you believe in the value of the blood sacrifice of Jesus for your sins? Are you trusting in it for your forgiveness and salvation? Do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead? Are you willing to trust in Jesus?

If you are willing, then commit yourself to God. Come as you are. Tell God in words – out loud – that you are doing this. Ask Him to save your from the guilt and power of your sins. Ask Him to receive you and put His Spirit in you. Thank Him for His blood sacrifice of Himself paying for your sins in full. Yield to God. Turn away from whatever you know is keeping you from knowing God, Start pursuing the knowledge of God. One way you can do this is by spiritually DEVOURING the Bible. Just get into it. Especially the New Testament. Find out what God wants for you and start doing it. Do it by faith.

Once you have done this, you need to get baptized in water as a disciple of Jesus and you need to seek for the fullness of the Holy Spirit every day so you can live the life you are meant to live, which includes telling others about Jesus in some way. As you do this, the light of God will shine brighter.

If you need help in following Jesus, reach out to me by email or Facebook. Subscribe to our newsletter on this site. I will do my best to find time to help people who come to God through this website.

God bless you,


Michael Fackerell

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