Christian Teachers and Tutors Wanted

Are you a dedicated Christian looking for a way to make a lasting difference in the lives of others?

One of the most important commandments of Jesus Christ is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Disciples are apprentices.

Learners. In order to make apprentices for Jesus we must ourselves be His apprentices.

Only a minority of dedicated Christians are privileged to be in the “full time ministry” of preaching and teaching and pastoring. And if you are not part of that select group, you might be unsure of how to go about making disciples for Jesus. You cannot always easily do this in the context of church life, because not every church is set up for this. If you can  do it in the context of your church, I encourage you to do so.

Many people today are in need of education and training. If you are a University Graduate, a Teacher or a successful Business person, you will definitely have something to offer. University students also will be able to at least help High School students to learn.

The idea of this site is simple. There are people around the world who need tutoring or mentoring. We are looking for tutors/mentors who can spare ONE HOUR A WEEK online in order to invest time in teaching or tutoring someone who wants this.

The agreement from both sides is as follows: the tutoring service will be free of charge. However, it is agreed from the start that 15 minutes of every hour will be spent in discussion about things relating to Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.

Not every student will be a Christian. But they will have understood and agreed that they will be helped by a Christian tutor or mentor who will be spending 15 minutes out of the hour discussing things relating to the gospel. For the rest of the time, they will be taught and helped in the area they desire – be it Mathematics, formal English, English conversation, Computer Science, Business or some other Area of Learning.

You probably have a great deal to offer a young person or an adult who is seeking to learn. We are only taking on dedicated Christians on this site, whose primary motivation is to be a blessing to others and fulfil the Great Commission.

The terms and conditions for participating with us in this project are here.

If you are interested please contact me on Facebook. You will be interviewed online at our earliest convenience. God bless you.


Michael Fackerell

School teacher, evangelist.

Founder: New Hope TV India, New Hope TV Philippines, and

B.Sc. (comp sci), Graduate Diploma of Education.


I invite you to build a faith community together with me. Join my social media channels and let’s connect, especially if you want freedom or fullness in Christ.

My Telegram has a ministry channel. On Tiktok I have many videos and new ones regularly.

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Michael FackerellHi my name is Michael Fackerell, founder of this site. It is created to help you know Jesus and get a great eternal reward from God Almighty. Learn More

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