The Holy Spirit – Bible Study Outline

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. He is not a power or force  but a Person. In the. O.T. the Holy Spirit was given to particular individuals for special tasks. But in the N.T. every believer is given. Let us study this great Person of Godhead, shall we?

Facts about the  Holy Spirit
1. The Holy Spirit is a Person. Jn. 16:7
2. He is the Omnipresent God.  Ps. 139:7
3. He is the Eternal Spirit. Heb. 9:14
4. He is the Lord. 2 Cor. 3:17
5. He is the Spirit of God.  2 Cor. 3:3
6. He is Christ’s Spirit. 1 Pet. 1:11
7. He is the Creating spirit. Job. 33:4

Third Person of the  Trinity
1. “. . .baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy spirit.”  Mt. 28:19
2. “. . .Christ. . .the Spirit. . .the testimony of God.” 1 Jn. 5:6-9
3. “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ the love of God. . .fellowship of the Holy Spirit. . .  .” 2 Cor. 13:14

Father and  the  Holy Spirit
1. In the creation.  Gen.1:1–2
2. In the dwelling. Gen. 6:3
3. In the anointing. Isa. 61:1
4. In the speaking. Mt. 10:20
5. In the giving. Jn. 14:16

The Holy Spirit and  Christ
1. Christ was born through the Holy Spirit. Lk. 1:35
2. He was full of the Holy Spirit. Lk. 4:1
3. He was led by the Spirit. Lk. 4:1
4. He was anointed by the Spirit. Lk. 4:18
5. He did good by the Spirit. Acts 10:38
6. He died thro’ the Spirit. Heb. 9:14
7. He was raised by the Spirit. Rom. 8:11

Titles of the  Holy Spirit
1.  He is the Spirit of truth.  Jn. 14:17
2.  He is the Spirit of grace. Heb. 10:29
3.  He is the Spirit of glory. 1 Pet. 4:14
4.  He is the Spirit of the living God.  2 Cor. 3:3
5.  He is the Spirit of understanding. Is. 11:2
6.  He is the Spirit of counsel. Is. 11:2
7.  He is the Spirit of knowledge. Is.11:2
8.  He is the Spirit of the fear of the Lord. Is. 11:2
9.  He is the Spirit of Judgment. Is. 4:4
10. He is the Spirit of fire. Is. 4:4
11. He is the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation. Eph. 1:17
12. He is the Spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline. 2 Tim. 1:7

Work of the  Holy Spirit
1.    BRINGS CONVICTION  “He will convict. . .” Jn. 16:8.
2.    GIVES GIFTS. “. . .he gives them. . .” 1 Cor. 12:11.
3.    TESTIFIES ABOUT CHRIST. “. . .the Spirit of truth. . . testify about Me.” Jn. 15:26
4.    RENEWS US. “. . .renewal by the Holy Spirit” Tit. 3:5.
5.    GLORIFIES CHRIST. “He will bring glory to Me” Jn. 16:14.
6.    REVEALS US. “revealed it to us by his Spirit” 1 Cor. 2:9-10.
7.    TEACHES US. “. . .will teach you all things” Jn. 14:26.
8.    GIVES POWER. “. . .power when the Holy Spirit. . .” Acts 1:8.
9.    BRINGS LIBERTY. “. . .the Spirit. . .is liberty” 2 Cor. 3:17.
10. TRANSFORMS US. “transformed. . .from the Spirit”
2 Cor. 3:18.
11. INTERCEDES FOR US. “. . .the Spirit intercedes for us” Rom. 8:26.
12. BRINGS FRUIT. “. . .But the fruit of the Spirit is. . .” Gal. 5:22.

Sins  Against the  Holy Spirit
1. LYING— “. . .you have lied to the Holy Spirit. . .” Acts 5:3.
2. TESTING— “agreed to test the Spirit of the Lord?” Acts 5:9.
3. GRIEVING— “. . .do not grieve the Holy Spirit” Eph. 4:30.
4. BLASPHEMING— “. . .but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven” Mt. 12:31.
5. QUENCHING—  “Do not putout the Spirit” 1 Thess. 5:19.
6. RESISTING—“You. . .always resist the Holy Spirit” Acts. 7:51.
7. INSULTING— “. . .has insulted the Spirit of grace” Heb. 10.29.

Something to Think About
A.W. Tozer was once asked– “What will happen to the Church if the Holy Spirit is withdrawn?” He replied, “Nothing will happen to the Church. . .as the Church does not depend upon the Holy Spirit
. . .!” Are we living in such a tragedy? Then we are rebellious children.  Let’s weep over. Is. 30:1

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