Confessions on Forgiving Others

Father, forgive me my debts, as I forgive my debtors. Mt 6.12

For if I forgive men their trespasses, my Heavenly Father will also forgive me. But if I do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will my Father forgive my trespasses. Mt 6.14 6.15

If my brother sins against me I shall forgive him up to seventy times seven times. Mt 18.21 18.22

My Heavenly Father will deliver me to the torturers until I pay all I owe God, if I from my heart do not forgive my brother his trespasses. Mt 18.34 18.35

The blood of the New Covenant was shed for the remission of sins. Mt 26.28

When I stand praying, if I have anything against anyone, I forgive him, that my Father in heaven may also forgive me my trespasses. Mr 11.25

If I do not forgive, neither will my Father in heaven forgive my trespasses. Mr 11.26

I judge not, and I shall not be judged. I condemn not, and I shall not be condemned. I forgive, and I will be forgiven. Luke 6.37

Father forgive our sins, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. Lu 11.4

I take heed to myself. If my brother sins against me, I rebuke him; and if he repents, I forgive him. Lu 17.3

And if he sins against me seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns to me, saying, “I repent”, I shall forgive him. Lu 17.4

Jesus, you prayed on the cross, “Father, forgive them. For they know not what they do.” Lu 23.34

If I forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven. John 20.23

Now whom you forgive anything, I also forgive. For indeed if I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven that one for the sake of the church in the presence of Christ, lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices. 2Cor 2.10 2.11

I am to be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave me. Eph 4.32

I bear with one another, and forgive one another, if I have a complaint against another, even as Christ forgave me, so I must forgive. Col 3.13

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