Revival and Spiritual Movements


If revival means a fresh movement of God's life in us as we obey the Word of God, then we are in desperate need of revival today.
We are called to love God with all our hearts, souls, mind and strength and our neighbour as ourselves.
That means that we should devote our lives to prayer, to the Word, to doing the Word and to sharing what we have with others.
True revival is not about coming to meetings where we fall on the ground and roll around, then go off to eat some fast food with our friends with the same total lack of concern for others and spiritual blindness we had before the meeting.
True revival is based on people yielding to God consistently enough and long enough so that the Spirit of God can achieve great things through them.
We need to lay our lives down to see this kind of move.
One way we can do this is by fasting, giving up food, at least until we understand something the Lord definitely wants us to do next. We can repeat this process of self-humbling through fasting until God's Spirit is pleased to give us grace so we can be and do all God is looking for from us.
Revival comes when we obey God. If the people around us were obeying God consistently, we'd already have a move of the Spirit, because God DOES want to pour out His Spirit and change lives. So we can't start by looking to others. Its no good judging others either. The Bible tells us to judge ourselves, make the changes the Spirit requires and then testify about what the Lord is doing. This is normally all it takes to move more and more people towards God's will.

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