Christian faith, Jesus and the Bible, testimonies

Indian Pastor Continues Preaching after Fanatical Hindus Burn His Daughter Alive and Beat Him - Almost to Death

(Reported by Brother Samuel Thomas. For more information about Br. Thomas' ministry, see )

There is a pastor by the name Paul in a major Indian city (name of city withheld - editor).  He is a Baptist preacher and taking care of his church in that city.  He was preaching around his village and so many people got converted in to  christinaity.  Fanatical Hindus who live in that community did not like so many people getting converted.  One day few RSS men stormed his church while the service was going on and pulled Pastor Paul out of the church and beat him up.  They told him not to preach again.  His church people took him to hospital and when he was released from the hospital he went back to church on the next Sunday and preached again.

Again Hindu RSS people came and told him not to preach.  But he preached the same messaage and they beat him up severely and somebody from the church took him to the hospital.  Even though he was told not to preach again he went back to the church and preached again.  When he preached this time, they brought Pastor Paul's daughter in front of him and said, if you preach again we will burn your daughter and kill her.  He preached again the gospel and they poured gasolene on her and set ablaze.  While fire was consuming her, she told her dad, "Dad, do not stop preaching, preach, preach the gospel" and she died in front of him.  Again Pastor Paul started preaching the Word of God.  And this time fanatic Hindus came and beat Pastor Paul
very badly.  They took a rock and smashed Pastor Paul's stomach and they hit hard with the rock through his rectom and his intestine came out through his stomach wall.  The church people took him to hospital and they thought he would die.  But he did not die, but he has a colostomy attached to his stomach because his rectom was destroyed.  Still Pastor Paul preaching the Gospel with a colostomy.

Source of Information:

Brother Andy Leper who met and talked to Pastor Paul shared this with us when Brother Andy visited me last month.  For more information please contact Brother Andy at this E-mail address: [email protected]

Love and Prayers,
Brother Thomas
[email protected]


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