A Single Mother Finds God


A Single Mother Finds God

Let me first tell you a little about myself and my life. I'm a single mother, and I have suffered greatly over the years. The devil has cursed my family. He has rained over my family for many years, tarring us apart. Even to go as far as to take my brothers life from driving him mad, last May of 2000. So here I am 26, depressed, feeling hopeless, alone, couldn't get out of bed, gaining over 50lbs, lost my job, and much more.

Than out the blue I get a call from my daughter's father, that has not seen us in 3 1/2 years. Say he wants to be a father. He tells me stories of how he has been clean from drugs and alcohol for over two years. I'm thinking this couldn't be possible but something told me to give him a chance. After meeting him, (my daughter was in school) he starts giving me testimony on how Jesus changed his life. He is now a minister of god's word and does great works for Jesus. When I decided to let him see his daughter, I told him I needed a safe place for them to meet for the first time. It was Easter weekend and he suggested that we meet at his church. I agreed. So to church we went.

WOW let me tell you, I was so moved by this church. And Jesus was drawing me there time after time again. I started asking questions about Jesus and Christian life. I was very interested but afraid. I felt the need to go and pray to Jesus for my salvation. But I couldn't get over my fear. And weeks later I started becoming more comfortable I started praising him and feeling his presence. I finally prayed at home I asked Jesus to bless me with his sprit. A few days later my daughter, her father, and I attended a youth rally in Michigan. They were over 1000 people there just loving Jesus and it moved me. I went home that evening and while I was sleeping I had a dream. I was at a rally like I had just attended that evening. The youth minister was giving his message and called for someone to receive the Holy Spirit. Just then I started to speak in tongues and only to wake hearing myself speak in this way, than as I lay in my bed a weight came over me, and a tingling sensation. Than as a mighty rush, fire burned through my body and centered on my heart and I could feel my heart being filled with his love and joy. And my old heart was discarded. Oh how powerful that was, All I could do was lay there in amazement.

Then suddenly a vision of Jesus' profile came over me and than only to see his eyes with the greatest twinkle and fire in them. I just praised him over and over again, all night long. Two days later at church I got up and gave my testimony and was Baptized in Jesus name for the remission of my sins. And here I start my New Birth in Christ. Since then I have broke the curse on my family and aliments have left me. I am so excited to go to church all the time. I have a great new job, I have lost 20lbs, and my depression is nolonger. Oh how he has blessed me!! I get up and pray and praise him aloud all the time. Oh how Jesus keeps blessing me!! The bible says, he is the comforter and counselor. It is true, I feel an everlasting comfort that could have only come from God. And he keeps counseling me in everything I do. There is a Jesus and he is all powerful, all knowing, all mighty, Halleluia! And I praise him for my Salvation, and being my king, the king of kings. Halleluia!!!!

Sincerely Gods child, 


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