Christian faith, Jesus and the Bible, testimonies

Miraculous Conversion and Ministry in South Africa

Hi Michael

I just read some of your testimonies on the web and would like to tell you my own..... please excuse the English (and spelling)..... [reader please note - I have fixed a lot of spelling errors but have endeavoured not to change or correct the grammar or punctuation in this message - MF].

My name is Deon and I live in Ceres... about 120Kms from Cape Town - South Africa. Most of my experiences happened in the past 3 years. I was part owner of a computer business (hardware and software). We did well and were busy making educational games..We had our first CD printed and were busy with the next one and just landed a couple of good contracts..

But God had other plans..

I started having visions and dreams ...some very life-changing...

Once I was travelling by car and had a sinful idea...something like doing someone-in in a business deal. The next moment I heard an audible voice saying, "Deon, What are you doing?" Now I was brought up in a conservative home and church where one don't even talk about the Holy Spirit, never mind about the gifts of Holy Spirit etc...

I can tell you I was rattled.. I stopped the car to see if there was someone with me in the back. I even got out of the car.. my knees were shaking...I prayed (I was saved but without really knowing Him) to God to help me..Am I going out of my mind?

Most of the first experiences happened all within a couple of days - It was like God wanted my attention. Once I had an apointment with a couple (business) and could not make it due to lacking time. I said to myself I am not going to go to them or contact them because I knew it would not be worth my while.

I remember, consiously telling myself not to think about them again when I passed the turnoff to their home. It was as if someone took the steering wheel and turned it for me. The next moment I'm right in front of their home and had to stop because they were standing outside..

God planned that visit because they really ministered the Gospel to me that night! A couple of days later I recieved my first prophecy at these people's home from someone else. The prophecy was for both my wife and me, but mainly for my future ministry.. We tried taping it and then writing it down but it was pages and pages so we might have missed some of it.

The Lord started giving me verses to read from the Bible and open visions as well as dreams.
This was out of this world! Problems seem to arise in the business and God opened my eyes to see that my partners were not saved and were trying to do me in.

When I confronted them, one almost manifested like a demon posessed when I said that I trusted the Lord. The partners then decided to take me to court. I had little proof of what they did and try to do to me. So I would definitely loose the court case. The Lord then spoke to me about bowing before Mammon and the fake justice of this world.

I prayed about it and then the Lord showed me to give the business up instead of fighting for it. I did exactly that. I lost a lot of money, cars, house and possesions etc. For about three years the Lord provided (and still does) my everything! In the begining we (me my wife and two kids) sometimes had to go without food for a few days but the Lord promised to look after us and He was teaching us to trust in Him completely. We saw some awesome miracles of provision... I had a lot of work opportunities coming my way but each time the Lord said not yet. I received a couple of more prophecies from the Lord saying things will change soon for the better.

Then I had the oppertunity to go for a three week trip to Mozambique with a misionary from the Congo. The Lord provided everything - passports, visas,money and food. Wow, what a mighty God we serve.. It was awsome to be used by God to preach and minister healing and deliverence to these people. We saw more more than 400 give their hart to the Lord, more than 250 instant healings (at least 7 blind) and more than 300 demonic deliverences. Praise the Lord for He is good! I also recieved a lot of visions and gave prophetic words that happened within a few hours up to a couple of days just as I told them! What an experience to be used by the Lord like this! I want more and more. It's like everything else compare pale to this....!

The Lord gave me a temporary job in a computer-shop about a month ago. I believe the Lord wants to use me in the computer field (animation/educational games etc).

I also believe the Lord wants to send me on more trips.
Please pray with me:
1) That I will stay humble and give Him all the Glory
2) That I will learn what the Lord wants to teach me so I will become an
efficient tool in His hands.
3) That I will be patient in waiting for the Lord's plans to fall in place and
not make my own in the meantime.

I will pray for you and your ministry also.

Keep in touch.

God's riches blessings to you and your family


Encouraging Thoughts

Confirmed miracles Paraplegic healed!

Ministry Testimonies:
China revival
Healing in Romania

Sample Testimonies: FORMER:

Crack addict - Deena
Lesbian - Adelaide
Satanist - Candace
Occultist - Vincent
Witch - Katina
Street Kid - Mario
Catholic Priest - Richard

Testimony Categories

A Personal Challenge For You

The people of the world can be divided into two groups. The first group are those who can clearly point to the intervention of Jesus Christ in their lives. The second are those who cannot. If you are in this latter group PLEASE don't let another hour go past before you get right with God. He loves you and has a great plan for your life! But there must be change. If you are religious but can't point to a definite work of God in your life YOU NEED to get born again in the Bible way. To find out how to get right with God, click here now.

If however, you are in the first group and you have a testimony of Christ's working in your life, God wants you to share it. Read HERE about the power of your testimony. You can overcome Satan by the Word of your testimony, and help others to find faith in Christ.

Would you like to do this? If so, start writing your testimony as soon as you can, and THEN, e-mail your testimony to me here so we can publish it for you online. Post it on the testimonies bulletin board here. In this way you are helping to fulfil the Great Commission. Some testimonies on this site are reaching 10 or even 20 people per day. Our team wishes to help people share their testimonies through the internet. Let us together bring hope to those who don't know the reality of our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ.



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