Purpose & Objectives

This lesson's focus is to define and illustrate the fear of the LORD. Our late 20th century culture has confused beliefs about "fear". If you diligently complete this lesson, you will:
  • Be able to define the fear of the LORD in scriptural and practical terms.
  • Differentiate between the fear (love and respect) shown to the LORD by his children and the fear (terror and resentment) shown to him by those who reject Him.
  • Relate the fear of the LORD to character qualities in several Bible heroes of the faith.
  • Identify your current capacity for fearing the LORD and your opportunities to grow.

Memory Verse for Week 1:
Proverbs 22:4. Humility and the fear of the LORD bring honor, wealth, and life.

Lesson Background

Our memory verse contains an awesome promise! What could you desire that is not contained in this promise? Think about your friends and your family � and what they want. Are they also seeking honor, wealth, and life? But there is the catch. The way to the promise is guarded by two conditions: first � humility, second � the fear of the LORD.
There was a time when people honored neighbors who were "God-fearing" men and women. But today, the media labels someone "God-fearing," only if they are bigoted zealots. Still others dismiss the notion as "too Old Testament", and recite "God has not given us a spirit of fear", or a similar verse. It seems that an understanding of the fear of the LORD has slipped out of common usage in our society.
It seems that we have a dilemma: God has made a sweeping promise satisfying much of our life's quest, but we do not understand how to meet the requirement.
The fear of the LORD is based in a revelation of His nature, his purposes, and his power. Below are four definitions from various sources:
  1. The fear of the LORD is a profound love and deep respect for God.
  2. The fear of the LORD is simply taking God seriously � He keeps his promises and expects us to obey his commands.
  3. The fear of the LORD is the attitude that results from knowing that God is watching my every action, weighing my every motive, and aware of my every thought.
  4. The fear of the LORD means to love what God loves, and hate what he hates.
Day One Homework
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 22:4
  1. What promises are contained in this verse? Do they appeal to you? (why / why not)

  3. What images come to mind when you think of wealth?

Give an example of someone you consider wealthy.

Do you possess the type and quantity of wealth you desire? If not, how would you like it to change?

  1. What images come to mind when you think of honor? Give an example of someone you consider honorable.

  2. What would you consider a great personal honor? What would it be like for you to receive it?

  3. Describe someone you consider to be in full possession of the life spoken of in this verse. (Some translations say 'length of days', rather than 'life').

Do you describe your life this way? If not, how would you like for it to change?

  1. Define humility. Give an example of someone who meets your definition.

Are you humble? If not, what changes are needed?
  Which of the definitions for the 'fear of the LORD' above appeals to you the most? Why?

Day Two Homework

Scripture Reading: Psalm 112
  1. What promises are contained in this Psalm? Which ones appeal to you the most? Why?

  3. What does it mean to delight in God's commands?


Day Three Homework

Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:1-7, 13:14-17, 14, 15:1-6. Genesis 22:1-12
Abraham had a dilemma. God had promised him a son. Abraham trusted God for 25 years before the promise was fulfilled. Now God was asking Abraham to offer his son as a sacrifice. What was God really after?
  1. When did God first promise Abraham a son? When did Abraham believe God's promise?

  3. Gen. 12:1 What four steps of obedience did God require from Abraham?

  5. When did Abraham completely fulfill all four requirements?

  7. Gen. 22:1. What additional test did God bring upon Abraham?

  9. Gen. 22:12. How did God determine when Abraham would pass the test?

  11. What has God done to test your faith and obedience?

Day Four Homework

Scripture Reading: Job 1:1-10, Job 28:12-end. Job 29.
  1. Job 1:1-8. How does God describe Job?

  3. Job 1:9-10. What protection does the LORD provide to those who fear him?

  5. Job 28:27-28. How does God define wisdom?

  7. Job 29:4-6. How does Job describe his relationship with God?

  9. Job 29:7-end. What actions result from Job's fear of the LORD? How does God reward him?


Day Five Homework

Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 1. Nehemiah 4:6-14. Nehemiah 5:1-9. Nehemiah 7:1-2
Nehemiah had an easy life in the King's court. One day, he received news that changed his life. Obtaining permission from the King to rebuild Jerusalem, Nehemiah was faced with many problems requiring wise decisions. How to motivate people to work? How to deal with terrorists? How to settle disputes among believers? How to choose men to help lead the people?
  1. Nehemiah 1. What was Nehemiah's attitude toward the destruction of Jerusalem? How would you describe the state of the church in the world?

  3. Nehemiah 4:6-14. How did Nehemiah encourage his brothers to overcome their fear of man? How can you apply this same principle?

  5. Nehemiah 5:1-9. What grievance occurred among the Jewish settlers? How did Nehemiah settle it?
  6. Nehemiah 7:1-2. What basis did Nehemiah use for appointing leaders?

  8. How can you apply these principles to decisions you are facing?

Day Six Homework

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 11:1-4. John 8:15-16. John 5:19-30. Malachi 1:6. John 8:49. Hebrews 5:7
Some think we should fear the LORD because he is so much more powerful and wise than we are. Jesus is "God with us", the "Word made flesh." Did Jesus fear the LORD?
  1. Isaiah 11:1-4. What are the names of the seven-fold Spirit of the LORD? In which one will the messiah take delight?

  3. Think about your prayers for a moment. Which of these attributes do you pray for most often? Why?

  5. Compare John 5:19-30 and John 8:15-16 to Isaiah 11:1-4. How does Jesus demonstrate that he delights in the fear of the LORD?

  7. Malachi 1:6, John 8:49. How would you describe Jesus' attitude toward his father?

  9. Hebrews 5:7. What was the key to Jesus' effectiveness in prayer?

  11. How can you apply these lessons to your life?


The Last Word

  1. Summarize your learning this week in a few sentences.

  3. Take time now to pray for yourself, and for each member of your study group.

Other Lessons

The Bible
The Nature of God
The Plan of God
The Law of God
The Good News
Baptism in Water
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Fellowship and Church
Our Mission as Christians
Deliverance from Evil
Handling Resources

How to Grow
a Home Group

Bible Questions
Answered! NEW!

Spirit, Soul and Body
Power in your Words
God's will on Prosperity
Secret Pre-trib Rapture?
Divine Healing
Spiritual Warfare
The Tree of Life
Tree of Knowledge
Eternal Security

The Lord's Supper
Prayers based on the Word
